THE devastated mom of former Miss USA winner Cheslie Kryst says she has lost her "best friend"

THE devastated mom of former Miss USA winner Cheslie Kryst says she has lost her "best friend"

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  1. If she was a lawyer she would of had a will. Plus a suicide note she knows it won't stand up in court. As it was done under stress. She had a thing turning 30. So she went to floor 29 and like she said now peace.

  2. We may never know the Real Truth, but according to the police it was surveillance tapes she was alone when she jumped maybe in her mind she felt at 30 years old she had accomplished everything in life she needed to: she took the time to write out a note so this was her decision 😒 which she made she probably thought being on the 9th floor she would end up as a vegetable this is probably why she went on the 29th floor only God knows what her intentions were 😒 so the demon in her mind won😒 sweet beautiful angel I hope and pray πŸ™ you found the peace that you were seeking my sincere condolence to the family at this difficult timeπŸ™πŸ™

  3. I still don't understand her last post on Instagram because the way it was worded was to a person in general not to everyone. Don't hate me for saying it because I'm a very depressed person so I know depression is real. I just can't understand her using that as her last words to everyone when it sounds like it was directed to a single individual.

  4. She was doing waayyy too much! I loved her. And this made me sad. But, we have to take care of ourselves. Just because you are strong and young, doesn't mean you take on a millions things. And she was doing this since she was in college. She was a long jumper, triple jumper and heptathalete! Then she got a MBA and Law Degree simultaneously. Great pressure! Great stress with just this alone.

    She was depressed. She was an Attorney. She was on "Extra". She was a Board member of several organizations giving a million speeches. Flying all over the country. She had a blog. Was developing a fashion line. And active on Instagram and Tik Tok where she was constantly trolled with people (who were jealous and hateful) to kill herself!

    And she was writing a book. This sounds like the "mania side" of Bi-polar Depression. And is obviously deadly. All of that is enough to cause someone to self-terminate. We have to take care of ourselves. Slow down. And not take on too much. We are not machines. Rest in Peace beautiful, smart Queen!

  5. She was sooo beautiful inside and out but maybe she got caught up in all the fake Hollywood glitter. The media keeps focusing on mental health but in my opinion this is a spiritual health matter because if you don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ you have no purpose in life nothing. My heart go's out to her family πŸ’

  6. Omg so sad heartbreak just never gonna forget this little miss beautiful sunny sunshine β˜€ 🌞 πŸ”† 🌀️ 🌴 🌻 πŸ”₯ πŸ™ 🌈 🌸 πŸ‘Œ 🌼 🌟 ⭐ 🌠 🌸 πŸ‘Œ 🌼 🌟 ⭐ 🌠 🌸

  7. According to insider, Cheslie was having a career crisis. Many of her childhood friends and family wanted her to pursue a career in law, instead of her career as a "correspondent" for Extra – which didn't pay well. And according to our insider, the struggle with what to do with her career, "weighed heavily on her."
    Also, the insider claims that Cheslie was allegedly a member of the LGBTQ+ crew – and possibly a closeted lesbian. The insider claimed that Chelsea – who was deeply religious – was struggling with being open about her sexuality.

  8. Don’t be sad over this or think that she made a mistake. She just made a very final decision at a very low point. Do you all know how hard it is to kill yourself? That took so much courage! She was a strong woman and whether or not we want to accept the way she went out, she lived in the power of self determination.We are all going to leave this planet somehow, someday. She made the decision how to go out and when. Regardless of what you think or feel, it’s not to be frowned on, it’s to be respected.


  10. She turned 30 and decided her life was over? As a lawyer, you’d just be getting started. TV News people easily work into their 70’s. We have an 80 year old President in the White House. I’m not understanding how she could have felt this way with all she had going on. That’s why I wonder if there was any other contribution to her demise. Did anyone else psychologically or physically contribute to her death?. It would be so much easier to accept if there was some kind of precipitating factor or she had taken a more serene path to death, not so violent and disfiguring, because she took care of every hair on her head. It doesn’t make sense. Just because she was depressed, doesn’t prevent her from also becoming a victim of foul play. In fact, it could’ve made her more vulnerable to it.

  11. What happen to growing old gracefully? We must have a personal relationship with GOD! He and his angels are there in good times and bad we cannot get caught up in false importance of vanity because we all will age, we must approach it with grace and focus on the joys of aging. Wisdom , travel , marriage, children or a child, the blessings of receiving and giving them love. Watching them learn grow into adulthood marry and bring grandchildren. These are the challenges and blessings of ageing some of these things are apart of having a full life. Blessings to the family for their loss. All who are struggling mentally please seek help thru our Lord and professionally. Life is good we must make the best of it before we go HOME! Peace to the struggling.

  12. This report is not telling you something that may be of a significant importance. Her mother also made a comment – that the media is not sharing – is that she (Cheslie) had a mental condition of "high functioning" mental disorder. If you Google it the mental health community down play this illness, and do not seem to accept it as a diagnosis. It is as though they don't want you to recognize it scientifically or mental-medically. If you think of it, a lot of movie stars and those alike could fall in this catagory and could very well be costly to insurance. I believe Cheslie wanted to bring awareness to this diagnosis. It bothers me that this beautiful, multi-talented, successful young black woman, just decided to end it all. She was a soldier, and sometimes soldiers do the unthinkable to bring recognition to fact. Just think of having an illness that doctors refuse to acknowledge. She did not die in vain. I never bothered to know her, but I love and respect her greatly. And will miss her.

  13. Im sorry but l still can't believed it…She committed suicide!!!???..See, that's the problem with all those apps these days? They like to show off their inner private and personal place!?.. Not knowing that all are there viewing it and see…dollars signs! in clothes, shoes or purses!! Or her jewelry!?..So, others gets ideas..and bad ones!!??… it says she lived alone in the city with a rent of 5 grand a month!!? Her wall to wall material things shown this and that. She had almost everything But l guess…GOD was not that deep into her SOUL to be guided and be protected from whatever demons were after her and it took over her so young Life!!!??? Omg….May she R.I.P… πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

  14. How did she end up with the last name of Kryst? Any phonetics education will show that it is pronounced like Christ. Such names for people are like an anchor tied around the neck. I don't buy the suicide story. Educated lawyers know about mental health and seeking treatment for maintaining it. This "quick sweep this under the rug" story, just stinks. What books were in Cheslie's library? Where are the notes on the self help books. Should be in the margins of the pages. You don't make it through law school without self help books.

  15. Sad news about Cheslie. That's why it's essential to have a relationship with Jesus. We must put on the whole armor of God daily to fight against the devil's schemes.

    People can show all the glitz and glamour in the world, but only what we do for Christ will last. It's imperative to start our day in prayer and meditation on the word of God.

    It's hard for a lot of us out here. But it is with Christ's strength we can make it through the hard times in life.

    Mental Health is real, and we must keep one another in prayer, know what the Lord says about us and situations we may face in life, and seek Him for direction.

    We can't make it in our strength. Focus on what God has called us to do for His glory and kingdom building.

    Fix your mind on Christ, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4. Prayers for her family and everyone. God bless us all.

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