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The Most Beautiful National Costumes of ALL TIME
The National Costume Competition segment is one of the most awaited part of every Miss Universe edition, where women from all around the world represent their countries by working the stage in the most elaborate ensembles.
There will be feathers. And sparkles. And fabulousness. Here are the Most Scene-Stealing National Costumes in Miss Universe.
Number 1.Miss Universe Thailand 2015 – Aniporn Chalermburanawong.
Literally a tuk tuk dress.
Number 2. Miss Universe Vietnam 2018 – H’hen Nie.
Number 3. Miss Universe China 2012 – Ji Dan Xu.
Number 4. Miss Universe Canada 2014 – Chanel Beckenlehner.
Number 5. Miss Universe Japan 2017 – The best national costume in 2017. Miss Universe Japan
Number 6. Miss Universe Venezuela 2014.
Number 7. Miss Universe Argentina 2014 – Valentina Ferrer.
Number 8. Miss Universe Philippines 2019 – Gazini Ganados. G
Number 9. Miss Universe Puerto Rico 2019 –
Number 10. Miss Universe USA 2014 – Nia Sanchez.
national costume show
national competition
Top 10 BEST National Costumes in History
Most Beautiful National Costumes Ever Made
miss Universe 2022
miss grand international 2022
miss Intercontinental 2022
Miss Universe Philippines National Costume
Miss Grand National Costume
mis intercontinental national costume
Roberta tamondong national costume
Roberta tamondong miss grand international
Chelsea Fernandez
Gabby Basiano, National Costume Miss Intercontinental
Gabby Basiano “Lunas” National Costume full performance Miss Intercontinental
Miss USA Rbony Gabriel
Roberta Tamondong
Miss Grand International 2022 National Costume
roberta tamondong national costume
miss grand indonesia National Costume
miss grand best national costume
top 10 Best Nationl costume
#missuniverse #nationalcostumecompetition #costume..(read more at source)
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Puerto Rico and Peru is gorgeous
trinidad and tobago 2013 check it out
Thailand, japan, argentina, puerto rico and venezuela were my favorite.
Where is Indonesia 2014. She was the winner beat national costume 2014
please add Myanmar 2016 Best in NatCos PUPPET…that's for me the "Over The Top" or should i say "The Best of The Best"💝😍💝😍
clearly not the best of all time because there are far better NATCOS from previous years and not in 8 year span like this video lol, but beautiful costumes
Miss Thailand shouldn’t be #1 on the list and Nia Sanchez shouldn’t even be on this list. Did you even look through all the candidates from each year? Obviously not
Thankful coz PH is the top 10 ‼️🥰
B R A Z I L 2018 ?
China 2012
Nicaragua 2013
Philippines 2019
Argentina 2014
Panama 2011
Mexico 2015
Peru 2020
you should replace the video title with "The Most Beautiful National Costumes in My Opionion" not in Miss Universe History. understand!!!!!
The number 1 national costume for me is peru 2020.
Although the natco looks decent Janicks fierce performance was what makes this number 1 for me.
My other favs were Malaysia 2019 Vietnam 2020, Japan 2006, Nicaragua 2013
Sensacional esse traje de Porto Rico
not fair your opinion 🖓👎….indonesia best national costume 2014 by our queen elvira devinamira
I new they would always be philippines here HAHAHAH
**just to make your filipinos people to like your videos
1987 Miss Brazil with her Amazon Forest.
Mi favorite from your list is the one from Philippine 2019 W O W
History?? Lol.. more like past 10 years.
2019 beautiful
please assess completely the National Costume from 1952-2021
what a great list of national costumes. I love miss universe 2018's costume. So unique and beautiful.
"Of all time" but this was just the last 8 years :/// Still a great list though!
Tuk-tuk the most unique
Thailand number one. Thank you.
Puerto Rico didn't win best national costume in miss universe 2019.it was won by philippines