The “Texas Aces” (Miss USA 1985-1989) TPN#13

The “Texas Aces” (Miss USA 1985-1989) TPN#13

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While I’m preparing the grand finale of my three-part series, Scoring Miss Universe, I thought I’d share another quick clip in honour of the recent Miss USA competition. One of the most incredible achievements in all of pageantry is the five consecutive victories for Texas at Miss USA in the 1980s.

Trained by the famed duo “GuyRex”, then-Miss Texas USA state directors Richard Guy and Rex Holt, the above queens swept all before them between 1985 and 1989 to claim one of the most fiercely contested national pageants in the world.

This quintet were unstoppable at Miss USA, but they fell just short of capturing the Miss Universe crown in their respective years:

🇺🇸 1985: Laura Harring (Top 10 at Miss Universe)
🇺🇸 1986: Christy Fichtner (1st Runner-Up)
🇺🇸 1987: Michelle Royer (2nd Runner-Up)
🇺🇸 1988: Courtney Gibbs (Top 10)
🇺🇸 1989: Gretchen Polhemus (2nd Runner-Up)

Nonetheless, these amazing queens deserve some huge adulation for a feat that may never be repeated!

The “Texas Aces” feature in Part 2 of Scoring Miss Universe, in which I look at the success rate of women who won the Preliminaries and Semifinals at Miss Universe and went on to capture the crown.

#MissUSA #BeautyPageants #MissUniverse..(read more at source)

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See also  NEPAL - Namrata SHRESTHA - Contestant Introduction (Miss World 2021)

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. Great video and Christie is #1 because she got the highest placement and had the most elegant competitor. WISH Barbara went and won in 85 and Christie 86!

  2. Since then, 4 more Miss Texas USA winners have won Miss USA, with 2 of them going on to win Miss Universe!

  3. I've just been writing about this amazing string of victories, so thank you for such a comprehensive summary! All the best from England.

  4. If this scenario happens in Miss Universe in the near future, I'll be very happy. (Well, despite the concerns from fans about the new owner, Anne JKN, they're worried about her rigging it or bribing the judges, and I don't see her like that. Why would she do it to the most prestigious pageant as she is aware of these issues?)

    Venezuela has had their back-to-back victory, well I have a feeling that this might happen to that country. Or maybe the USA, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, or South Africa (they almost had it with Tamaryn Green placing 1st Runner-Up in the 2018 edition, their three-peat victory would've made history).

  5. It was not until after Guy-Rex and the TX connection did a Miss Texas win both USA and Universe. I also have to give a shout out to Kim Tomes who was the first Miss Texas to win MUSA. She is often lost.

  6. I really enjoyed watching your videos. Maybe you can also feature the opening numbers like the Mabuhay during the 1994 Miss Universe Pageant in Manila, Philippines.

  7. I wonder what were the other states thinks about Miss USA show while watching it back then… were they praying like "please, no winner from Texas this year.. please" I can't imagine their faces 😂

  8. The Golden Years of Miss USA where the winners are classy, smart and beautiful unlike today, they are totally ugh.. forgettable.

  9. All of these winners were prepared by then directors of the Miss Texas USA pageant, GuyRex. They even made a documentary about them and all that went into preparing a title-holder for their next competition. My favorite thing of theirs was that they expected all of their representatives to have what they referred to as crown hair. Simply stated, you should anticipate winning and it should be easy for the crown to be placed on your head. And if you look at each of their crownings you will see that the crown goes right on. They left the Miss Texas organization and started working with contestants in Hawai'i. I'm not sure if they were working independently at that time or if they were directly affiliated with a state pageant organization. What I do know is that they had a hand in preparing Miss America 1992, Carolyn Suzanne Sapp; the first ever Miss America from Hawai'i. I've always been curious if they were involved with the Miss Hawai'i USA contest in 1997, the year that produced Brook Lee, who went on the become Miss USA and then Miss Universe.

  10. Who would complain if there was riggory when you got the gorgeous Courtney Gibbs and Gretchen Polhemis as winners?

  11. Christy Fichner came so close to winning Miss Universe. If she would've won, Miss Ohio (Halle Berry) would've took over as the new Miss USA.

  12. I am a big fan of the Miss USA, Miss Universe and Miss Teen USA pageants. CBS was the best network for pageants!

  13. Courtney Gibss es bellísima, el hecho de no ganar la corona no le resta Belleza, así son las competencias su Belleza recuerda a Grace Kelly de Mónaco⚜️
    Saludos desde México 🇲🇽

  14. What an amazing content! I do enjoy it a lot. All of these five women are well-deserved winners. Most of the Miss USA Winners of the 80s decade are absolutely fabulous in their own way, but one thing I can't really figure out was Kim Seelbreede's win in 1981. She was just ridiculously overrated whereas there were many stronger delegates competing that year.

  15. No matter how pretty these women were, that fact that the black women were finally getting looked at as beautiful women was telling!

  16. Of the five, Courney Gibbs' win was the most precarious. She didn't win Swimsuit OR Evening Gown (all other four Texas Aces won BOTH), and California gave a better final answer. I wouldn't be surprised if the judges split 6-5 that year in picking the winner.

  17. Courtney Gibbs is my all time fave Miss USA winner. Her face is perfect. Kinda sad she only placed Top 10 in Miss Universe 1988.

  18. this channel deserves more subscribers and more views. The quality is ridiculous. I normally dont subscribe to beauty channel except Sierra B's but I immediately clicked subscribe after watching one video.
    Christy Fichtner was very upset she was the first runner up
    Michelle Royer qualified in first place after the prelims, the venue was my home country, Singapore, she was in second place most of the time until she was barely edged by Miss Italy in the last minute. Miss Italy was very very stunning.
    Gibbs also qualified first after the prelims but didnt do that well in the final.

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