The Worst Episode I've Ever Seen of America's Next Top Model

The Worst Episode I've Ever Seen of America's Next Top Model

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Let’s take a look at the first ever episode of ANTM and its photoshoot!!

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  1. Um… Humans can't last more than 30 min in 9 degree weather. They will begin to experience hypothermia and frostbite… this was so unsafe.. I don't get why in the world it was allowed.

  2. Elizabeths feedback about Katie seemed excessive and was probably a mix of jealousy bc Katie was gorgeous on there

  3. I enjoyed your vid but honestly all of what they are saying and doing is for dramatic effect to create a TV Show… It would be a boring show without the drama and ridiculous banter… It is scripted, there is no reasoning away there demeanor. I of course agree with all you say about the episode, I just know it's all a facade. The girls on the show go through a very lengthy process and vie to be picked for the show, they want to be there and could leave anytime they wanted. It's all a weird form self-flatulation.

  4. Me who thought it was 8 degrees Celsius
    "Let me just convert this from Fahrenheit"


  5. I'm starting to think the real point of this show is for industry people to bully inexperienced models.

  6. 🤣🤣 I love your videos & commentary & awesome for standing up for what’s right & sharing your expertise. All around fun videos.

  7. The photographer physically moving the models head reminds me of school picture day where the photographer tilts your head to the side and out your hand under your chin 😂

  8. To put all those girls in bikini on a roof at such cold temperature you would at least expect some spectacular photos. Those photos honestly look very bad. This photographer didn’t even try to sell the bikini, it wasn’t even accentuated.
    If he wanted something else he should have worked with the model to choose a most flattering position so he could achieve what he was looking for. Not just blame the models body or the poses these AMATEUR models where trying to do. He honestly just clicked the camera’s button and complained later. And to call Robin a plus size model and old like pfffffft. And to call Eloise too thin and blaming her for being cold, ignoring the fact they were in a bikini on a rooftop in winter like omg. If the photo looked bad they would just blame the model pose, model’s body, model’s bikini like…….

  9. it so weird there wasn't that much difference between the one that was 'too thin' and the "plus size" one (not that she's even plus size)
    it's like the range of how much body fat you could have on you was so small, crazy

  10. this is so horrible, like if the producers of the should were like, do you know what would be funny?, lets put these girls on the top of a building with the coldest weather ever on NYC, for a bilkini shot!!! brilliant

  11. the comment about the feet. as a 5'11" girl that one offended me tremendously. my feet are smaller than hers, and tbh I'm not sure if they're fit for my size bc I have SO many equilibrium problems. always falling to one size or the other, stumbling, etc. what does feet size has anything to do with beauty and, more important, the ability to model?

  12. are you shitting me? a bekini in -13 degrees celcius? Y'all must be some kind of stupid overthere tbh xD

  13. If I recall for the seasons she was on Janice was really good at knowing which models would go on to be successful. I took Janice’s comment about Robin to mean that she didn’t think she would be received well enough in the modeling world to be America’s Next Top Model as a plus size model. The standard at the time was very thin, with a few outliers, so I took it as her saying there was no chance, as opposed to she personally didn’t want a plus size model to be the winner. Luckily the stigma for plus size (which is not really that plus size tbh) has changed a lot since the first season.

  14. the other model had a tankini saying she was not complaining, meanwhile like the skinniest is in a string bikini. 🙄

  15. Honestly this wasn't as shocking as some of the later episodes that you've reacted to, but even then it's still shocking 😬

  16. Where is this so called plus size model/model with more insulation???
    None of them are anywhere near plus size

  17. Pipo should just give Tyra a benefit of doubt….. u once enjoyed these series and supporting her why are u hating on her now???

  18. Tbh I hope that girl took his “leathery” comment to heart and stopped tanning. There is nothing worse for your looks than tanning, and someone who wanted to go into such an image-oriented industry should know that.

  19. I have a totally different opinion about all this. I actually think that ANTM perfectly represented how the fashion industry was in that period. I always thought that the point of the programme was to show how the industry actually worked hence the models were treated accordingly, and also the challenges were in line with that period’s standards. It was disgusting, but truthful. If it were done today, it would be completely different, if it were done in the 90s it would’ve probably been worse.

  20. The photographer is an idiot. Praising them then saying they were crap behind their backs. Lighting is like a freshman high schooler set it up, and the photos aren't the best. He's so arrogant.

  21. Minus 8 degrees freezing!? You should have large heaters on set or you're breaking labour laws. I guess it's the 2000s so the building background, concrete, silvery stuff was in, and green screens weren't workabale on their budget back then, but it's just a lame concept and he shot at weird angles. Really crappy concept that just didn't work. Get a new production designer, ANTM!

  22. In the 2000s a size 14 was the AVERAGE size of woman. Robin is like a size 10. She's under average. 🙄 I am so glad it's not the 2000s anymore… (Also I think some women are just naturally that size of frame. My little sister is a 5'9" size 12 and is perfectly proportioned- it's all structural).

  23. In the first photoshoot, why r they acting like thats the only place that they can do the photoshoot? They r acting like every model has to go through situations like that, when it's not true. They would never tell a super model to have a photoshoot on the rooftop of a building in winter only wearing a bikini and, if they did, the super model would not accept or would require better conditions. They just wanted to put those girls in a very hard position to make them believe that being a model is super hard.

  24. Back when this episode aired, the technology we have today with digital cameras was not what is available today. Green screens were around, but the software to make it look “not fake” was no where near as sophisticated as even what we can achieve using our smartphones. Getting ride of the green cast on skin, the masking out the subject to blend in with background. It was not easy and was also very $$$$$$ back then. I used to sell professional photo gear as far back as 1998. So I’ve seen how far we’ve come and it’s amazing! He’s using a Hasselblad camera and it may have been film. But it also looks like he’s using the Hasselblad H which came out in 2002. That digital back was 16MP. Huge back then! So my point is that if you think they could’ve just shot this in a studio with a green screen, it wouldn’t have happened back then.

  25. Al menos es más honesto que los últimos. Aquí todos tienen una opinión distinta y finalmente piensan soolos, y no están aceptando unanimemente opiniones de Tyra.

  26. Modeling bikinis on a roof top in NYC any time of year doesn't say beach or pool wear. If I was the designer or manufacturer I would fire the ad agency for even suggesting it.

  27. I feel like a lot of people (myself included) watched this for scathing comments and drama and that makes me sad.

  28. if that was girl, who’s literally like a size 2, is “plus-sized”, i don’t even want to know what i would be

  29. Lol im 25 and people still think im a teenager so like how is a 26 year old considered too old to model?? Plus aren't most older teens in media played by actors in their 20s? So where r they getting this age limit from??

  30. I love how they considered robin a plus sized model she’s gorgeous and not to mention not plus sized and wtf does she mean not the next top model 😭😭

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