These Kids Are Criminals In Training

These Kids Are Criminals In Training

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  1. Most trifling sh*t ive ever seen. Im embarrassed.

    The fact that theyre outside in only underwear says enough about how theyre being raised

  2. Fuk the parents!! Such disrespect!! Our babysitters whooped our ass, told our mom and she whooped our ass and they hi fived afterwards and what that taught us kept most of us out of prison, but other than that I'm glad I don't have kids, the influence is real…

  3. This is pitiful! These kids will be in prison before they reach their teens, and it's their parents fault. Sad! That was a damn good show!

  4. Need to taze the people that taught those kids to hate cops. Nothing but child abuse there boys will be in juvenile hall or dead. The parents will accuse everyone but themselves. I think the police were there looking for a guy up for murder.

  5. Kids in diapers raising themselves,,,no parent to tell them right from wrong,,,then parents wonder why they get into trouble,,,can't blame the kids,,,just dumb parents…

  6. Choot em ! choot em ! 🤣
    This is really sad though…when the parents don't chastise their kids and teach them to have respect….then the law will later !

  7. This is so sad. These kids don't have a chance, they're actively assaulting Police officers and think it's the right thing to do. It breaks my heart.

  8. I feel sorry for these kids where are they parents and what the police officer should have did was put all of them in the car and took them to the precinct and had their parents come and get them and then had the parents arrested and fine for allowing their kids to be out in the public dress like that and disrespecting law enforcement this is sad 😔 and I agree they going to be in jail before they 16 and the one wearing no underwear he going to be getting screwed by men before he's 14 if he don't put no underwear on showing the crack of his butt as always no disrespect intended New York City USA 💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍❤🧡💛

  9. Criminal behavior is just like racism…you're not born either rather it is taught and observed. These aren't race problems, they're cultural problems.

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