These People Belong In The Entitled Hall of Fame⭐️

These People Belong In The Entitled Hall of Fame⭐️

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These People Belong In The Entitled Hall of Fame⭐️

If there was a hall of fame for entitled people and Karens, then these would be some of the people in it. Maybe that would be the karma that they deserve for acting petty and toxic towards other people. The people of reddit have spoken after sharing these reddit stories which ended up on social media for all to see. Sometimes public freakouts don’t get caught on camera, but the story of them lives on forever. 😏

#entitledpeople #karens #reddit #react #aita #redditaita #publicfreakouts #karenstory #halloffame #instantkarma #karma #pettypeople #toxic #toxicpeople #caughtin4k #caughtoncamera #internet #redditstories #exposed #redditkaren #angry #rude #rudepeople #entitledkaren #jocebedard #reactionvideo #peopleofreddit #askreddit

Editor: Darina Stoitchkova💻
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  1. I love these people that want someone else to take care of their kids and house and make all kinds of excuses for it, but then try to complain about things involving their kids. Well since you don’t know your kids and don’t spend time with them or anything and have someone else do that, you don’t have anything to say about anything goin on with them.

  2. The Full Stack developer position pisses me off. I am a computer programmer and everyone thinks the world is full of computer geeks have nothing better to do than learn every programming technology so that they're experts for little pay. I applied for DBA position that required expert knowledge for a type of software that is not commonly used in this part of the country, and be on call SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. For about 80% salary offered for DBA position in the area.It's been four years, and the recruiter calls me about every 6 to 12 months if I'm interested because they can't keep anyone in the position. I wonder why.

  3. if ima do $10 an hour as a Nany there better be a parent there for when that kid needs a dipper change. Thats barely enough for me to watch one kid w/ supervision let alone 2 w/o. People really need to realize that babysitters and at home nanny's need to get a min of $15 per kid per hour.

  4. I hate entitled people and if I ever had the misfortune to meet one, if they left me alone fine, but they mess with me or HEAVEN FORBID my mother…they gonna be deceased.

  5. I once had a patient who wanted us to arrange for her transport to and from the hospital for her foot surgery – one of the few things we cannot and do not arrange. She rang several times and was escalated to a higher management person but the answer remained the same. She spent her whole stay complaining about various things; mind you, we live in Australia and the hospital is a public one, so the whole thing was completely free.
    A week after she was discharged, she called our consumer liaison and arranged a meeting with the ward's unit manager to complain… that the hospital had not arranged for someone to take care of her sheep while she recovered… Most entitled person I've ever met – and I've met some doozies!!

  6. The last one, how do I pay my car, phone, gas, credit card and entertainment off of $50 a week? I bet it turns into a full time nanny job too for $50 a week.

  7. I don't know of these people are entitled as much as they are just really f***in cheap which is a whole other situation lol clearly a lot of these people live on a planet where prices are that of the 1950s n back then those prices or wages woulda been awesome sadly they've no comprehension this is now 2023 like wow

  8. JJOOOCCCEEE. At 6:06 you always get me laughing when you do that 😉 thing where it looks like you are learning how to wink and does not have it quite down yet. I love it.

  9. I'm an artist too and can't believe how many people think we can pay our bills with exposure lol If you can't pay, then don't ask.

  10. Entitled people suck! Especially the ones who want child and house care. For that hire a teen or someone still living at home with mommy. 6 bucks an hr don't pay the bills. Yikes 🤔😝

  11. I can't imagine someone owing me 7k and letting them ignore me for two years. The other person should've BEEN blowing up those dms to get his money

  12. One of my ex boyfriends had a cousin who asked me to babysit her 2 boys over the summer one year. She had two boys ages 11 & 7 at the time. She said she’d pick me up w her car drop herself off at work and then I could use her car for the day. She worked from 7:30am to 3:30/4p. So 8 he day right?? She wanted to give me ONLY $20 PER DAY MONDAY – FRIDAY…. That’s a whole $100 per wk, 8-9hrs a day… ummmm what the actual hell?!?!
    She begged me saying she was in a really bad situation at the moment (& she was tbh) so I told her fine, I’ll watch em for the $100/wkly but it was ONLY for the first 2-3wks. Then she either had to find other arrangements or pay more.
    We’ll long story short- she ended up never bothering to find someone and then she actually had the audacity to b*tch at me saying her kids are bored everyday & complain I don’t do anything w em or bring em anywhere. She actually wanted me to take em to amusement parks, the beach or park etc…. But wouldn’t give me $$ to do so. She used the excuse “if I had the $$ to afford those things I would’ve sent them to camp for the summer”. Yeah I told her I was done after that. She didn’t believe me and showed up the following Monday to pick me up even tho I texted her the night before reminding her I wasn’t babysitting anymore. And when she called to say she was pulling in I told her again not to bother I wasn’t doing it. She beeped her horn and blew up my phone but I ignored her. She finally left n then tried blaming me for her losing her job.
    🙄. Ugh I’m so happy that he’s an ex…. Marrying into that family would’ve been a damn nightmare

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