This Is Literally the Erasure of Women

This Is Literally the Erasure of Women

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Brian Nguyen is the first biological man to win a Miss America competition after taking home the title of Miss Greater Derry 2023 in New Hampshire. This is a mockery of women.

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See also  Miss America 1991 Marjorie Vincent on the 90th Anniversary of the Miss America Pageant

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  1. Women have lost ALL self-respect for not making a stand – utterly pathetic! I have no sympathy for all the women that allow this to happen – it is clear women need men to protect them…ah but no…they are strong enough to do it themselves!

  2. English is not my first language but I thought The word “Beauty” has always been used to mainly describe Girls/women and also Nature. The person is biologically a Male and will always be a Male. That man wearing a dress and make up will never be beautiful.

  3. Just from the actions of this generation(X, Y, Z, not sure what the label of "today" is), even if the Trans community did get their own sports, pageant…whatever, the only thing that will happen is a "trans man" wanting to enter a "trans woman" event or vice versa and then political legislation to address the petitions and protest for equal rights and equal acceptance. Or a cis man/cis woman will try to enter in retaliation for trans doing it in their events.

  4. The "Miss America Pageant" people should start a pageant for transgender individuals. If "whoever" can make a pageant for little girls(Toddlers and Tiaras) then "whoever" can make a pageant that caters to transgender individuals. Because this just gave the anti-LGBTQ+ community more ammo to use in their agenda against the LGBTQ+ community. I'm not sure why the idea to start a Trans Pageant wasn't thought of before letting this happen to where it is another reason for the human race to be divided.

  5. I always considered myself accepting of everything in life. But over the past several years I have become less tolerant of this woke rubbish. Society as we know it has gone down the toilet. Seriously. I am done with this whole woke agenda 💩

  6. If they can have Special Olympics, then why not Trans pageant, Olympics?!? Every real female should pull their Themselves out of the competition (temporarily)! Who is the trans going to compete with?!? See how fast that speak volumes when it comes to the pageants, sports, anything that is real women! See how quick that will change. Women are losing, if real women don’t stand their ground, women will be taking a giant step backwards!

  7. Well said. I am tired of the trans “movement”. Men in women’s sport, men getting jobs as women… sharing toilets because they don’t think it’s fare to have just male and female toilets.,, I’m tired of all of it!

  8. Hi gay passing by here..
    So she's trangender. She went transition cause she herself is a women who was trapped in men's body. And she competed in that competition as Women. What's the problem?

    Please enlighten me if there is something i dunno.

    And put that religious crap aside when ur advising coz i'm not buying it.

  9. This contest was totally rigged. No regular "thick and sturdy" gal would have taken that crown. The walk is not polished, the make up and hair is over simplified, frame the posture is slouchy. Unless this was a contest for biggest smile this contestant did not deserve the win . Never mind age, race, gender or underwear contents.

  10. Why did all of those young women even stay in the contest? Everyone of them should have boycotted. The fix was in before the pageant ever started. Further more what screening or panel of judges even allowed this non sense?!!

  11. as I'm a man, maybe I shouldn't comment on this, but don't you have a women's association there? I can't imagine a more dangerous weapon in this world than the wives of politicians…

  12. These women should have known right from the beginning of this Fiasco they weren’t going to win and they should all be ashamed of themselves for allowing this they just put women back 500 years.

  13. This just makes my blood boil!!! First, he/she is not pretty, more like a very unhealthy obese size that is not a way to set an example. America – get it together!

  14. ACTUAL MEN do not endorse, ‘enjoy’ or support this crap… sickos and flagrantly deranged bipeds do. DONT LUMP US IN WITH THIS cancel culture deviancy.
    It’s clearly NOT A MAN ISSUE or causation.

  15. As a non western originated guy, i condone this type of woke winnings as long as it's happening in the western hemisphere because it's the only way to make the west sips the taste of their own medicine which they'd been preaching to other countries.good for y'all

  16. I've said it before and I'll say it again – this would be bad enough if he actually looked like a woman, but the fact that he is literally just an obese man in a dress is.. mindblowing.
    Look at all those beautiful female contestants, and that was the winner? Definitely not rigged 🙄

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