Tiny Dancers, HUGE RIVALRY: Elliana vs. Lilliana (Dance Moms Flashback MEGA-Compilation) | Lifetime

Tiny Dancers, HUGE RIVALRY: Elliana vs. Lilliana (Dance Moms Flashback MEGA-Compilation) | Lifetime

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Rewatch the biggest battle moments between ALDC mini Lilliana and Elliana in this Dance Moms mega-compliation. #DanceMoms

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  1. Want more Dance Moms content? There’s much more Lilliana and Elliana to enjoy when you subscribe to the Dance Moms’ channel! http://mylt.tv/DanceMomsYouTube

  2. oml i hated yolana saying "tHeiR bUllYiNg yOu" GIRL.. 14:55 THEY WERENT- AND EVEN ELLIANA WAS SAYING THEY WERENT

  3. i know you never have thought of the thing i will say, but if it was only gianna, and abby didnt excist, the company would have been amazing!!

  4. I feel so heavily bad for Elliana, she tries so hard and I feel she's always crying because of her mum. She's such a pure innocent soul and I know she would have felt so bad and embarrassed when her mum accused Lily and Brynn(I think it was her) of bulling Elliana. She loves dancing but her mum mad her experience 10% worse unfortunately.😔😔😔

  5. I was litterly crying in the first scene because Elliana won! I was so happy she was always in lilys shadows she was the Chloe so to see her get a deserved win is amazing! 😊

  6. You guys are liars because then and now they’re older the dance moms are the dance I mean what never mind let me go again to the girls that dance then and now you know they get older but how was the show seven hours ago so you guys are a big fat liar😮

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