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NTD Good Morning—5/12/2023
1. Title 42 Lifted
2. Situation at U.S.-Mexico Border
3. House Passes Border Security Bill
4. How Does Title 8 Work?
5. How Does End of Title 42 Affect Locals
6. El Paso Town Hall on Border Crisis
7. Adams: NYC Suspends Right-to-Shelter Policy
8. EPA Proposes Carbon Limits on Power Plants
9. Former Marine Charged With Manslaughter
10. Elon Musk to Step Down as Twitter CEO
11. Recommendations on Teen Social Media Use
12. Tortured By CCP for Practicing Falun Gong
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#Title42Lifted #Bordersecurity #FormerMarine #Charged #ChokeoldDeath
Title 42 Lifted, Situation at the Border; Former Marine to Be Charged in Choke-Hold Death | NTD
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10:00 seriously WTF, there is no housing for US to live in America, let alone immigrants! We cannot even afford what's unoccupied. How can immigrants find housing here? Yes, cheap labor would help us. But it wouldn't be a wage they can live on here here egg's still cost 7 dollars in some places! Wake TF up!
More 💰💰💰💰to illegals and criminals!!!
My Lord as a Texan I can honestly say we’re Doomed
Kyarrrrr! Just as "Title 42" lifted, floodgates thrown wide open via GATE 42. COINCIDENCE? Moreover, what "HIDDEN HAND" role might the VATICAN have in all of this? Catholic Joe "Beijing" Biden – ANYONE????
Very nice News 👌
Come one come all…to the land of milk and honey. We'll throw in free health care and welfare for all your children. You just need to have a dream to start a family. We need to replenish the dwindling sheep labor force…
On the china spiritual practice. I can imagine. I can't imagine or believe is, how a country is so successful, Can not have been based on freedom for the people. If China ever becomes a country none tyrannical and changes to become a free country, the USA will have to be very careful because China would be able to easily outdo us in every turn
🌄📰📰👀⚖⚔🔑🌏🎚🔔🙏🗽🇺🇸👻..Thanks NTD News 🇺🇸..❤❤
Biden dont give a s** he wants the dirty votes
Oh my gods..🌄👋👋 NTD News US Thank you so much.. President DONALD J TRUMP WINS 2024! ⚖️⚔️🔑🇺🇸🌍🗽💒❤❤❤❤❤
Joebiden exposes americans to illegals dease
Joe biden is incahoots with the cartels joebiden takes money from cartels for open borders
Impeach joebiden vito jowbiden hes not good for america fire old joebiden
Everyone needs to share this and learn what those arm bands of migrants stand for and it's not good.
Everyone needs to organize and get to the border to do what is needed to get the border secured and Biden impeached. Not a time to sit on your butt. If my Sheriff would go to border and bring deputize others and all the red states send in the national guard we could stop this with citizens that are saying enough is enough. ~
Sad for the marine ideed doing a good deed he accidently squeezed to hard it shows the military did a good job training him
It makes no sense convicted murders crossing border what did they receive probation or ankle bracelet for murder
we have enough laborers now.
Thank you to our Texas Governor Abbott! Biden is an evil man! This is intentional! He wants us to be a third world Country!