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i love her 🙂
She needs to marry a gypsy and get the full gypsy dress all bling
How old is she
Now see THAT is somethin u most definitely should encourage your girl to do it's awesome what she'd wow and yes let her design her own stuff is u gonna out her in pageants let her wear her own stuff n be her . Too many women don't see these days n u can make all your own stuff man it's so cool
Absolutely nobody:
7th graders in comment section: OMG SHE GO TO MY sChOoL!!!
Finally a wholesome hardworking non spoiled child
Ugh, just watched her episode! She’s so full of herself at such a young age. It’s a shame. I dread to think what she’s like by now!
Very impressive young lady. Intelligent, talented and polite. Wow, compared to most of the others from this program, she is a perfect child. Hope she can maintain her gracious demeanor.
And Honey Boo Boo got a reality show over this girl because…?
this is the child that should have got her own show. not honey doo doo
At least she is saving her mom some money
I'm learning to see and I wish I was that good!! 😍
She reminds me of Raven from That's so Raven.
Wow! She's kinda good. Go girl design them clothes.
This little girl should be encouraged because she is clearly talented and could go far with this skill.
She is really full of her self
well if you don't like this show then why do watch it and pageants are not bad I did a glitz pageant yesterday
This is the only girl that I actually like from this stupid TV show. She has talent, she wants to be there and knows what she is doing. She is not a spoiled little brat screaming all over the place and her mother has taught her well.
She have long her she is a good desginer
i dated her in 2nd grade
awww she plays with dolls like me americn girl dolls and l want to be a model a fashionista and a diva a girly girl and a singer actress
How she do dat
Queen goes to my school so wierd….
OMG HEY GRACIE ITS ME!! Zahra!! And i kno queen two i see her around in the halls even tho she has no idea i exist ;/ im weird yaaa
Goes to my school! (*¯︶¯*)♥
What episode is she on?!
Yeah.. kinda obsessed here.. XD
Ohhhh, okay! Hi there XD
Sami Lewis, 7th grade, who are you? XD
Omg, Porter ridge middle? Me too!
I don't like her.
I know her I have in my drama class.
She WANTS to do the pageant though, not one of those kids who started at 1 month xD
Is this a copy paste thing or something for these vids?
she has talent and she wants to be in pageant's and is not forced which is one of the good sides of pageants
she goes to my school! shes pretty 🙂