TOP 10 Announcement: Miss Universe 2001

TOP 10 Announcement: Miss Universe 2001

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  1. No southeast asian countries? Things sure have changed in recent years with so many of the top 15 are from Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia. Not too many Europeans make it to the top 15 anymore.

  2. France is now working in media as a TV presenter and radio host. She has been the French vote spokesperson for the Eurovision Song Contest on 4 occasions and co-hosted the Junior Eurovision contest when it was held in Paris in 2021

  3. I may be in the minority, but I absolutely loved the two years (1997 and 2001) where they had the contestants in their own clothing for the top 10, rather than the usual sponsored dresses.

  4. 2001 was an interesting year. Miss Universe (an American-owned pageant) was hosted by the Brits, while Miss World (a British-owned pageant) was hosted by an American.

  5. Hallo meine liebe, ich bin gerade auf die Idee gekommen dich mal nach Fotos aus 2002 zu fragen. Warst du zufällig auf der Miss Germany Vorwahl in der Halle Münsterland in Münster? Ich war auch dabei aber habe kurze Zeit später einen schweren Autounfall erlebt den ich nur knapp überlebt habe. Daher ist meine Hoffnung, dass du eventuell noch ein Foto von mir hast. Kannst mir weiterhelfen? Viele Grüße

    Evtl auch 2001

  6. I don't get USA and France. USA looks like she is the mom. France looks awkward and out of place.

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