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TOP 20: Miss Universe 2023 Jane Dipika Garrett – New Record body positivity & mental health advocate

TOP 20: Miss Universe 2023 Jane Dipika Garrett – New Record body positivity & mental health advocate

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Miss Universe 2023 saw a new type of beauty from Nepal – A daughter of Nepali mother and American father, Jane Dipika Garrett set a new record of showcasing body positivity image in the international platform.
00:00 – Introduction
03:28 – National Costume & Top 20
05:23 – History of MU Nepal
08:50 – Jane statement

She was choosen to be one of the Top 20 contestants in the contest held on November 18, 2023
#MissUniverse #MissNepal #MissUniverse2023..(read more at source)

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  1. जति भए नि ट्प 20 बाहेक अगाडि जान कोइ नसक्ने रहेछ खोइ?

  2. Much Love to her…From Kolkata,,,INDIA… 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  3. Miss Nepal, Jane Dipika Garrett, attractive, captivating, seductive and intelligent, with 100% natural beauty.

  4. Hi I am from North East India…I have many nepali friends and my ex was Nepali, Nepalese are really very nice, open minded, brave. I love Nepalese.❤️

  5. Her confidence and aesthetically toned up face really attract all As she tried her best to present herself depicting Nepal at the Miss Universe platform was incredible making us proud. Congratulations for coming up within TOP 20. Best wishes.

  6. Les stéréotypes ont été crées par les marques. Même pas 5 pour cents des femmes ressemblent à ces filles trops minces qui se rendent malades, qui prennent des médicaments. Miss nepal représente la majorité des femmes, bravo à Elle.

  7. जेन ग्यारेट भन्ने नेपालमा कुनै थर सुनेको छुइन यधपी उनले नेपालको नाम राखेकोमा खुसी लाग्यो। उनका हरेक सन्देश बिश्वका कुनै पनि ब्यक्तिलाई सुनौं सुनौं लाग्ने र केहीको लागि आदर्श हुने खालेपनि छ।

    यति जानेपछि उनी कहाँ बस्छिन् कसरी यो थर रहन गयो? भनेर कौतुहलता बढ्यो।

    तसर्थ सकिन्छ भने उनको बायोग्राफि बारे एउटा TKV बनाउन अनुरोध गरें।

  8. Being fat is related to sign of unhealthy lifestyle and prone to different diseases like cardiovascular. Breaking stereotypes doesn't mean to glorify bad things.

  9. Being fat is not healthy but for some lady hormonal imbalance bring out this issue.even though she try to prove confidence for women is not bring by slim body only . Confidence and beauty is within our soul and our mind.Beauty comes in every size and shape ❤❤❤❤❤

  10. अमेरिका न बनाउ है हाम्रो देश नेपाल लाई this if idiotic Americans beauty standard nothing against Deepika 🙏🙏

  11. यो दिपक बोहोरा चाहिँ को र छ?कतै भ्रष्ट नेता त होइन?

  12. नेपाली कसरी हुन सक्छिन यिनि अमेरिकी नागरिक भएपछि अचम्म के?😂😂😂😅😅

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