Top 5 Miss Universe Thailand 2022 V/s Top 5 Miss Universe Vietnam 2022

Top 5 Miss Universe Thailand 2022    V/s Top 5 Miss Universe Vietnam 2022

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  1. Tự hào VN vì toàn giống rặc, nhưng Thái lai lại là số 1, lai 2 dòng đã đỉnh, lai 3 máu hay nhiều hơn thì đẹp như nữ thần. Skill VN còn thua Thái xa.

  2. From my perspective, they have a lot of unnecessary hand movements, but apart from that, their walks are good. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  3. Don't​ try to compare and make the issue.
    Thailand​ and Vietnam always​ have a good relationship​ about beauty pageant.
    We always​ support and protect each other from that 'toxic country'​

    And we love queen Tien.

  4. Bên thái được nhãn hàng trang sức tài trợ bắt phải diễn sản phẩm lộ liễu :))

  5. Some of them are little over the top… A lot these ending poses seem forced. Like they’re trying way too hard.

    Someone remind them they’re competing for Miss Universe and not MGI.

  6. หลักฐานมีไทยดีกว่าเยอะ สวยมากไทยแลนด์

  7. Thailand : glam, elegant, arrogant but humble, rich, and profound
    Vietnam : vivacious, livid, sweet but sour, friendly look, and charming face.

  8. Just a live system, sponsors, jewelry Look, I know Thai is superior. Only blind people show off Vietnam. or the Vietnamese themselves

  9. Thailand look more elegant and luxurious. Vietnam is overacting. she should go to MGI. MGI owner will give the crown to vietam again back to back

  10. Everything of Vietnam is just over the top! Production, Stage, music, Beauty Queens, styles, contestants’ catwalk performances are just incredible & amazing! Top world class rated❤️

  11. Vietnam nhìn đẹp tự nhiên không giống phẫu thuật.
    body Việt Nam là đẹp nhất trong các quốc gia Chấu Á.

  12. Neu noi nico o thai co danh hieu mw thi tnl cung co danh hieu la top 100 nguoi dep nhat the gioi nhe .de thi mu quoc te di roi ha noi ai hon ai .dung co ai so sanh nua .

  13. Nếu so tổng thể top 5 thì Thái bén hơn. Còn so về top 3 thì VN nhỉnh hơn. Mà bà ắ 2 Thái đẹp quá

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