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Top LGBTQ Moments in Miss Universe History

Top LGBTQ Moments in Miss Universe History

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Category: Miss Universe Year in the Life..(read more at source)

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  1. I was bullied a couple of times by gay men, I really thought they are bad people but as I grew older and meet wonderful gay men, I realize they are such a beautiful being and without them, there no such thing as joyful moments and hugs with them

  2. Creo q mis Kosovo 2009, Gona Dragusha igual es lesbiana…ella es preciosa y fue 2 finalista del miss universo 2009.

  3. No; because is a thing of the mind , we are what we want to be but we can’t force others to believe the same things.

  4. Tons of plastic surgeries, lipo veneers, walking coach, work out coach, q&a coach, pagent coach, lipo, designer gowns, tailors, nutritionist, hair & makeup/stylist. Probably spent over what they win.

  5. Im not haters to transgender that is another category if u talk ms universe should be 100% female if she have a gf is ok than if u enter the the man changes his figure into female that not acceptable u messing the this organization.Transgender should someone to make there category contests and dont mix/mess up to ms universe

  6. Now in 2021 Miss Universe Philippines is the First OPENLY Gay/Bisexual Candidate to place and Compete being open during the pagent of Miss Universe and the Highest One (top 5).

    (Note that Miss Spain 2013 was 1st runner-up but only came out after the Competition.)

  7. Wow what a surprise from this miss spain maybe is the reason why she didn't win because she was the most beautiful a real doll

  8. Let's also not forget Miss Spain of 2018 representing herself out there on stage. Presenting her country and proudly representing herself as transgender. Indeed, toleration should be the norm and not exception 😊!

  9. And sadly some lgbtq people dont support this. If you all are close minded then dont watch. The Miss Universe org already accepted change, if you are afraid of change then stop being hateful.

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