Top Picks | Top 15 | Miss Universe Philippines 2021 | September 15, 2021

Top Picks | Top 15 | Miss Universe Philippines 2021 | September 15, 2021

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Hi everyone! Sharing you guys my top 15 picks for MUP2021. We’ll see if after the real preliminary competition if my original roster of delagates will change!

All Rights, Reserved 2021 | Gee San Pedro
Luke 1:37..(read more at source)

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See also  The Tiara Pageant Question of the Day: Do Some People do Anything for their 2 Minutes of Fame?

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. VVV is very classy. We have to promote to PI na di lahat ng pinay ay domestic helpers outside of Phils.. to change the perception of high society in other nations…May high society din and classy ladies sa PI. Just an opinion.😘😁prankahan lang po

  2. Gee, am I bashing you or simply trying to give you constructive criticisms? Why don’t you get off your high horse and learn to listen to concerned followers ?? We maybe saying something that could help you improve on your vlogging so more people would respect you and follow you ????


    Miss Universe Philippines 2021 • Cebu Province – Steffi Rose Aberasturi

    1st Runner-Up • Angeles City – Mirjan Hipolito

    2nd Runner-Up • Taguig – Katrina Jayne Dimaranan

    3rd Runner-Up • Cavite – Victoria Vincent

    4th Runner-Up • Pangasinan – Maureen Christa Wroblewitz

    Top 16

    Aklan – Christelle Anjali Abello

    Albay – Janela Joy Cuaton

    Antique – Noelyn Rose Campos

    Cebu City – Beatrice Luigi Gomez

    Davao del Sur – Jedidah Korinihona

    Iloilo City – Kheshapornam Ramachandran

    Laguna – Leren Mae Bautista

    Makati – Isabelle De Los Santos

    Mandaluyong – Maria Corazon Abalos

    Manila – Izabella Jasmine Umali

    Masbate – Kirsten Danielle Delavin

  4. Gee, now you are endorsing violence ? What a petulant little boy-girl! Instead of responding to my questions , you are stomping your feet on the ground wailing ! Gee, pls have some maturity!

  5. Gee, someone is challenging your thought processes and you respond by throwing a fit like a cry baby ?
    If you can’t live by your ‘you can never go wrong with kindness ‘ , just leave it out of your daily final statement!!!

  6. ‘You can never go wrong with kindness ‘ ‘straight talk’ Don’g they go against each other? .Criticizing someone for something she can’t do anything about .. isn’t that the ultimate definition of un-kindness ???

  7. San Juan has no business in the competition, if she has a good communication skills then compete for public speaking. Stop redefining beauty contest.

  8. Pangasinan with not so impressive Q & A performance ???
    Why don’t you work on your grammar first before bashing candidates ??

  9. Oh! This is a very concise & comprehensive review of the best 15! I couldn’t agree more Ms Gee on the descriptions & reasons why they are in the top 15 (just our opinion though & peace to the rest who are not here, probably # 16❤️). Thank you Ms Gee, and more power to you! Be extra safe always! ❤️💐

  10. Eto ang tamang pageant vlog… Very Unbiased… Pure observation talaga. Hindi tulad ng ibang vloggers na kiss ass kc kesohadang malaki ang fan base Kaya iniinclude ang candidate kahit d talaga deserving.

  11. I like your commentaries about Mirjan of Angeles City. She's still young but you can already see the confidence she projects, she talks with relevance and on point with the line of questioning, and she acts naturally with no drama at all. I think she will shine because of her aura of freshness and genuineness.

  12. ✨✨✨✨Perfect ✨✨✨✨Top 15 MUPH 2021, this batch is stronger and many has potential of winning the 👑. Hoping miss gee, may collab kayo nina tita lavinia,mama sam, and Sir Adam powerful vlogger of beauty pageant. We love all♥️♥️♥️

  13. I would really want steffi or Katrina win kasi konti lang ang time to prepare kaya mas betchina ko kung veteran mananalo 😶😶

  14. Hi gee,goodmorning. Thank you dahil kasama sa top 15 mo si Ms.Mandaluyong at Ms.taguig. this time, i'll go for morena beauty😊.

  15. Hello Ms. Gee! I always look forward to watching ur pageant vlogs. U are one of the most credible pageant analysts together with tita Lavinia & Adam.

  16. I think VVV looks boring when she is in silent mode, but when she starts to speak and walk, a Miss Universe aura spreading around her corner. I'm so excited to witness her outcome in this competition.

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