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Those other contestants are stupid to go along with this contest and clap at the end. They all should have dropped out and let Brian win by default! So that dude wins a scholarship!
LS GB Q. r s t l n e. I'd like to buy a valve. I'd like to solve the puzzle. Silly rabbit dicks are for chicks!
This is off the charts RIDICULOUS!
Your a bad person
This guy didn’t even change his name – just making a laughing stock out of everyone involved.
Wonders shall never happen
This can’t be real. Miss America?
My thing is to each his own cause we all will answer to The Almighty God of Abraham . But don’t try to force it down our throats or try to get us to live the same way or indoctrinate the kids!
I just watched your video on Camillion and your comments were turned off?? Also, it had some disclaimer that it is not suitable for children?? Is YouTube messing with your channel? I hardly ever get any more announcements of your new posting!
They did get "The Greater" part correct.
Ridiculous a dude dressed like woman won a woman's contest. This is stupid
This reminds me of a pumpkin 🥧 I purchased from a well-known brand restaurant that I bought and took home to enjoy with a nice cup of coffee ☕️ that was so bad it was thick, gummy, lacking pumpkin anywhere in it only to read the box to find out it was bioengineered. Man, was that stuff awful to look at, and no amount of whipped cream on top, nor extra strong coffee, was going to make it any better.. Fake anything does not work.
You see it all started with me feeling confused by the whole alphabet issues then i understood some people were feeling a certain way and like always people want to be heard so i said let them talk but it will balance out eventually. We have since moved from they want to be heard to the want to run the show and turn everything to suit their needs also you cant ask them any tough questions because that is mean. Now we are seeing little kids being put in adult shows at clubs and this winner here doesnt surprise me at all. I was surprised when Jenner won woman of the year award but this nah im not going to pretend guys this is just status quo now this is what you expect, pushing it on kids is what surprises me now but soon if people dont stop it that too will be status quo. There are no cultural wins look at the election results do they show you a Nation rejecting these things or a Nation slowly embracing them.
In the last days man will prefer to believe a lie because the truth is not in them.
And they will call evil good and good evil!
Where is the feminist movement standing up for young girls ? They are a lie, they will come out to fight for death ,but not for young girls having their future stripped away?
Nonsensical Distractions from all the gaslighting coming at us from all directions. So tired of it all…..🙄🤪
"He's a jerk, ok well I'll be that one."
WORK IT GIRL WORK THAT WIG!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha
Kevin, what would we do without you! Laughter is good medicine! 😂😂😂😂
KC 💞 🦍🦍🦍 😱
This is absolutely FUBAR!! Biological women will pretty soon have nothing of their own left that the trans patriarchy won't destroy with this disgusting crap!!!
FOOLS! New LOW! No end to the craziness!
A planned way to take more of our culture. Too, to steal scholarships from a woman who worked and ate healthy a lifetime.
PS…Beautiful women do not drink diet soda. They drink water.
Nah Kev, I think the last two years have proven that "most people" don't actually have common sense or think properly. I don't think we can use that line of reasoning anymore 😕
America America this is how they steal your voice they start with feelings then they work their way into your everyday life like they have. It's time to stand against this stuff! Before it really really gets out of hand. Because it is already out of hand! Let's get back in it people let me know how I can help!
Bizzaro world order. BWO
Good comment from a earlier commenter … where the women at? Why aren't they raising hell? Ya know why… they have fallen for the woke bullcrap hook, line and sinker. More worried abortions are available until their child is a teenager. Ya know " my body, crap"
Good Morning Kev, you had me in tears at the end, when you were trying to get the wig to fall off, nice save though after 3 tries..😂
I’m so ashamed of my state!! NH
A Fun Lovin Sunday Patriots Worldwide
The Dude Looks Like A Lady .
WWG1WGA ……..m ( MJ12 )
It's insulting to me when men want to dress up as women when they have no idea what it's like to be a woman.
Hello Kevin you made me laugh. Thank you. God Bless You.🙏❤️🙏
Obviously no Bikini Contest anymore, or it's game over for imposters
If this miss bovine isn't a, make a wish terminally ill person, the heifer has no business on that stage.
It’s cool a boat won this year.
well, if this is the way it's going to be from now on, i guess it's time to bring in the LADYBOYS FROM THAILAND! they'll give these sloppy, floppy freaks a real run!
What in the God dam entire nation going on here !!!! The man looks like he could suck the fumes from out of a lorries twin exhaust pipe…..hideous "..this has to be the American nightmare….gross…and here's me thinking Kong jumped off the empire state building..dannggg…America has gone to the dog's .
You're right Kevin this is like a fat man winning a bodybuilding contest