Trans Influencer ARRESTED And Placed In Men’s Prison

Trans Influencer ARRESTED And Placed In Men’s Prison

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Blaire addresses trans influencer Nikita Dragun being arrested and placed in a men’s jail, Pfzier launching an investigation into myocarditis after the COVID vaccine, Canada’s controversial MAID assisted dying program, the trans woman who won the Miss America pageant, and lots more.
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0:02:00 Trans Influencer Nikita Dragun Placed In Men’s Jail
0:13:30 Pfizer Investigating Myocarditis After The COVID Vaccine
0:24:30 Trump vs DeSantis
0:29:00 Trans Woman Wins Miss America Pageant
0:31:40 Tennessee Bans Minors Transitioning
0:38:35 Canada’s Controversial Assisted Dying Program.. WTF?
0:45:23 Alex Jones Owes An Additional $473 Million
0:46:46 Detransitioner Chloe Cole Is Suing Doctors For Malpractice
0:53:11 The View’s Sunny Hostin Is A Disaster
0:54:18 Elon Musk’s Twitter Losing Advertisers, But Why?
0:57:12 Gen Z Stopped The Midterms Red Wave..(read more at source)

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  1. Didn’t know about rating on Spotify haha sorry I’m under a rock but I can totally start doing that!!

  2. Who would put her in a mens jail she lucky it was jail and not prision she wouldnt be safe in there but that behavior is bizzare but i hope the best for her i dont wish bad on people i dont know and they video court if you have court in another city or for agranmments and stuf like that

  3. I feel for Nikita, but girlllll. “Assaulting” an officer of the law is, and needs to be a serious offense. If she had been respectful and apologized she could’ve gotten away with a warning probably. But you just can’t blatantly disrespect them after clearly breaking the law

  4. Would LGBT prisons solve anything? Wouldn't the targets still do the bad things? They don't care about everyone's body, they only care about the threats to their body, and the bodies of those who they team with. Participation trophies started in like 2009, if not earlie4. It's a big reason we're where we are currently.

  5. I actually had myocarditis after getting my first vaccination, I went to work the next day and felt like my heart was gonna fucking explode. Took some time off and saw a cardiologist that’s where I found out. I would’ve been 19-20 at the time, I only have a history of high blood pressure. I STUPIDLY ended up getting a second dose (as I would’ve lost my job if I didn’t) thankfully I was totally fine and it didn’t happen again, but you can fuck all the way off I’d you think I’m getting a third

  6. I mean nikita did assault the police does that make her a violent person not per say but there are consequences for actions I don’t think she should have been put into a men’s prison and subjected to abuse that being said

  7. Just to play devil’s advocate, if Jessica Yaniv is to be imprisoned, she can be put in women’s prison and her cell mate and others who surround her could be Big Ruth and her friends. In such a scenario, things wouldn’t be unfair. There are violent, physically strong women in prison – Jessica Yaniv and other men like her, won’t be able to mess around with women as they had hoped🤷🏽‍♀️. Thoughts?

  8. you should have to provide an actual record of your transition for an audit just saying you are trans it the issue with this.

  9. I forgot you had a podcast chanel, I'm subscribes and the binge has begun. You hit the nail on the head with what you said about the right losing the culture war.
    I'm 30, right wing and Christian, and I still find myself indulging in vapid leftist media and entertainment because it's just more entertaining and better quality. We've never been known as the creative bunch, but we haven't been known as the lazy bunch either so we need to dig deep.
    Conservatives criticize liberals for being the side responsible for the uglyfication of the west, but we don't offer an appealing alternative. Even without popular endorsement, conservatives and Christians have opportunities to creatively express themselves, but they drop the bag every time.

  10. What I don't understand is why it's even called a vaccine. Because a vaccine prevents you from getting the condition or the disease and it does none of that. It doesn't prevent you from getting it, it doesn't prevent you from spreading it, it literally just makes it a little bit shorter if you happen to come down with it, so it should be a covid helper not a vaccine.

  11. I've been watching you for a couple months now and I have yet to find something we disagree on, which is awesome because I haven't found that anywhere. I agree with you about the nikita dragon thing. Use your brain when someone says they're trans if they're living life as a woman and they look like a woman then yes they should be in a woman's prison, but like the bald and bearded guy that got women pregnant because he was put in a woman's prison should have never been put in a woman's prison

  12. 39:00 THIS is one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. I've been heavily su*cidal, but I got help and worked on it and now I LOVE, love, love to be alive.

    If you want to delete yourself there's always a chance that you survive it and there are enough story of people saying they are thankful they've got a second chance. If Canada really does this then they'll make sure that the person who wants to delete themselves really will be deleted. No second chance.

    However… they can easily assist you when you decide not go through with it while it's already going on. I don't want to imagine how many people rethink their choice while e.g. falling from a bridge, but there's no way back at that point.

    I'm torn right now.

  13. The Chloe Cole story makes me so sad because as a kid you don’t think about wanting to have children. As a kid I wanted to be a surgeon and worked most of my life to build that career. When I entered adulthood, I realized how much I wanted to be a mother. It’s the only thing I really want to do with my life. I can’t imagine being stripped of that because of the brainwashing social media does to these kids. I hope if she does want to be a mother, she’s able to do so regardless of all of the terrible things those doctors did to her. Even if that means using their money from this lawsuit to adopt.

  14. So here’s the thing…. If she is showing her breasts, that is something a woman has, so isn’t it strange for her to go into the men’s unit? And if sh is considered a man (hello, look at her, beautiful), then being bare-chested would be legal. Am I making sense or am I in an upside down world?!

  15. an LGBT prison may be the best solution, if it's too small to make one, i'll be for women prison if: crime is not big assaults related and if they have a real transitioning-history on their shoulders before the judge ruling for people like Nikita. Anything else is just a huge risk for women in prison

  16. My step sister died from a sudden heart attack after getting it. My step dad how had heart issues died from sepsis 6 months after getting it. 🤬

  17. Blair spit so many FACTS in this episode!!! I mean she always does but damn you had me here alone in my room just saying “yes!” “Yesssss” out loud lol especially the last topic about why the red wave didn’t happen and how the right simply doesn’t know or even try to reach to the youngins

  18. I took only the first and second shots because I was threatened with been fired… (My dad is the CEO btw) I refused the boosters tho.. and it was a big fallout with nonstop pressure…

  19. Canada making medically assisted suicide for mental illness legal is scary. I would have taken that option if it were available to me and I wouldn't be here. Hell, if I was canadian I might still make that decision. Imagine making suicide easy so that you don't have to actually offer accessible mental health services. What kind of distopia are we living in.

  20. What kind of vaccine is most common in the US? Not all vaccines bear the same risks plus these rated too risky are even banned in Europe.

  21. Thank you for not becoming a Sellout and staying genuine to yourself and your audience.
    I have been watching you for a long time, but this video… you are so brave, enough to speak about the truth on your platform to reach the people and change things for the better

  22. “Do trans men go to jail?” 😂 now that you mention it I haven’t heard of that either! I guess we’re well behaved

  23. Late term abortions just for funsies? I’ve never heard of this but I’d love to be sent some cases if anyone knows of any!

    Also it shouldn’t be up to anyone else if I’m dying already. It doesn’t affect anyone else if I don’t want to die a slow agonizing death but….poverty? Mental illness??? I know some people are suicidal and in pain due to their mental illness but holy shit I can’t get behind it because there won’t be a line drawn.

    Also what did people expect? You push and push and push for children to choose their gender and then they lose body parts..and then once they do they realize they were just going through puberty and we’re weird like every other kid. This is what happens!! The fact that a child can choose to have their body mutilated is barbaric.

  24. Late term abortions just for funsies? I’ve never heard of this but I’d love to be sent some cases if anyone knows of any!

    Also it shouldn’t be up to anyone else if I’m dying already. It doesn’t affect anyone else if I don’t want to die a slow agonizing death but….poverty? Mental illness??? I know some people are suicidal and in pain due to their mental illness but holy shit I can’t get behind it because there won’t be a line drawn

  25. The reason "conspiracy theorists" end up being right is because for the most part they aren't theorizing. They are finding actual evidence and information.

  26. The thing about people with full blown manic depression when they are in their manic phase is that they are literally incapable of making the common sense decisions that people normally make. They do things completely out of character. Things like spending a ton of money they don't have, having sex with a lot of people, walking around naked and throwing water on the police…… things they wouldn't normally do when they are in their right mind. Things most people wouldn't do. That's what being manic does to a person.

  27. Do you really think you'd be better of if you were jailed in a blue state? Criminals are criminals and a lot (not all) could care less about treating a trans woman respectfully. It's a different culture (generally) in there.

  28. Maybe they should have a trans jail? Idk cause there was a trans women who got like 3 women pregnant in jail.

  29. Blaire you are definitely wrong about Republicans !!! You forgot about democrats were attacking Trump all the time, they didn't let him work, no matter how he tried !!!

  30. Castration. If you’re serious about being transgender in prison, you should either already have your testicles removed or submit to having them removed if you want to be in a cell block with cis women.

  31. If people want to die unfortunately they will find ways to do it. Assisted or not. But!!!! Using it as an ALTERNATIVE TO POVERTY NO NO NOOOO

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