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Transgender contestant wins local Miss America Organization beauty pageant in New Hampshire.
19-year-old Brian Nguyen won the “Miss Greater Derry 2023” pageant on Sunday night.
Many criticized the win, highlighting that a biological male has won.
This movement is seen in sports, where the trans community participates in the female sports categories. Pageantry is yet another space where trans persons seem to be gaining wins in a female dominated arena.
The beauty pageant awarded the winner of the Miss Greater Dery a scholarship, which is specifically aimed at 17-24 year old “women living in the greater Derry area recognizing their achievements…”
Under the Miss America pageants rules, the organization states that contestants must be “natural-born females”.
Yet, the organization claims they have a right to determine who qualifies for the pageant.
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Up there looking like he ate the pageant contestants… If he still got a penis….. Just like Jenner…. He’s a freakin man.. Cut that crap off…… and then we can talk, but as long as you got a penis… YOU’SAH dude..Standing up peein in a ladies bathroom..Please..
You NEVA, NEVA, NEVA hear about transmen trying to participate in Mr. O, Track and Field, Wrestling, or any other sport involving MEN… You don’t hear’ em say.. I wanna use the men’s bathroom, or nothing.. Its these dudes.. With a wig on.. With a freakin PENIS that’s always looking for sympathy, and when things don’t go their way.. They play the role of victim.. You can never compare your movement to the Civil Rights movement, why… Because Black people never played the role of victim… they do it everytime something doesn’t seem to go their way… Black people were never rewarded because they were Black.. THey were always rewarded because they were BETTER!!
Stupid.. Fake
Sickening and shameful and horrible to say the least. Why is a man in a womans pagent?
how to win Miss.America if you identify as a man create a sob story about you being trans then put on a wig. there you go you won
Another great Victory for the Patriarchy!
Once again proving that men are SUPERIOR at EVERYTHING!
Even being women!
How mentally ill do you have to be?
Bidens america🤢
Congrats, Jessica Gao.
🤣🤣🤣 wow! Thats all i can say!
Who let jabba the hutt compete in peagant
What in the hell… 🤣😂😄
To the rest of the world, we're their comedy reality series.
Imagine all your life working hard to become Miss America and this hairy ass man comes and throws your effort down the drain. It is Disgusting!
Only females can compete. Wtf?
Happy a man won just mad it was an ugly one
A man is not natural born female so u are forever man
The things people said about him about his waight is wrong but it's called Ms America for a reason and I don't see how people think they can just change there gender based on how there feeling like God gave u the gender u have for a reason and changing it is disrespectful to God but that also don't mean harm enyone that did chang there gender and be rude to them because they made the wrong decision so insteadoc being rude just tryto make them realize that wrong decision and encourage them to change thats all
He should’ve never been allowed in the first place
what concern does an islamic publication have over who wins a beauty pageant? y’all should be condemning the organization wholesale but i guess objectifying women is okay if it gives you an excuse to platform hate and hostility. you should feel ashamed.
Beurg c'est atroce
Beurg c'est atroce
Beurg c'est atroce.
Beurg c'est atroce.
its interesting half the people here are just mad that hes overwight.. half the skinny chicks arent even attractive whats your point?
Pero que feoooo
You elect Democrats, well this is what you get.
She’s a real queen
These trnasgenders or males are dominating everything pretty soon yall gone see them in the wnba
😂bah ha ha damn this funny everything women fought for or how should I say feminist movement basically has been destroyed
Create a transgender category. Its not rocket science
Absolute trash 🗑️
Our world is out of control. American values and ethics need to come Back.
Funny that if he were an actual, real, biological woman, he never would have won.
Yet another example of men taking away every little thing women have earned over the years. Trans rights should not come at the cost of women's gains.
What a joke. Disgusting.
Americans are going to the shits
hard to see where the charm is
Ладно, была бы она в красивой, однако тонкое лица даже в кошмарах не снится
Well this is what the feminists wanted no? 😂
My dog have a chance…
It's gross🤮 my eyes are burning 🔥