Transmen Flood Miss Italy Beauty Pageant In PROTEST Over Transwomen Getting Banned From Competition!

Transmen Flood Miss Italy Beauty Pageant In PROTEST Over Transwomen Getting Banned From Competition!

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Earlier this month, Miss Italy pageant stirred controversy by barring transgender contestants from taking part in the beauty contest, stating that contestants “must be a woman from birth”.

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  1. 💰Protect Your Retirement W/ A Noble Gold. IRA

    What are y'all's thoughts on these transmen entering the Miss Italy beauty pageant in protest of transwomen getting banned?!

  2. Way to go, Italy! I’m glad to see a country stand strong in their morals! Wish the United States would follow suit! Instead, they have to look like idiots to the rest of the world!

  3. Why would I ever show any respect to people, who as far as I can tell. Are completely unstable, delusional, hostile, egotistical, selfish, and violent?

    It seems the sane trans person is the true minority in their group.

  4. If 100 transgender applied for beauty peagent they need there own peagent. They a not women so what's wrong with a transgender peagent!

  5. Why don’t trans people just make their own trans contests and leave biological females alone. Their rage is only ever pointed towards biological women and activities that are specifically for women. No matter how much makeup, outfits, medication and surgery they use to try and pretend they are the same as biological women they will never be women.

  6. Trans and LBGTQ people are a relatively small portion of our society yet our society continues to prop them up and put them above everybody else and it's all about the narrative and the boats and pushing the issue of the day to make the politicians look like they care

  7. Is transmission want a beauty pageant then let him throw their own beauty pageant just for them and I don't care if you put on a dress get fake boobs put on makeup and call yourself Susan you are still a man biologically, just because you put on address doesn't make you a woman you are still a man get over yourself

  8. What it's saying about the beauty pageant is saying you better check under the hood before you buy that car

  9. I love all women. If you were born a woman, I love you that’s just the nature of things if you were a trans man I also love you, but that is not the same thing as you say that I appreciate what you stand for. I’m not even sure what that is. If you want to be a man, then that means you love men and we love you back.


    I would recommend to the Italian committee that ONLY NOT OPERATED PEOPLE – or at least not over-operated people can attend these contests….otherwise everybody who is rich or has a rich sugar daddy can become "beautiful" but this is just the work of SURGEONS – NOT NATURE

  11. Transwomen do have an advantage in pageants. That trans label. If they have that label, you have to give them the win or they scream discrimination

  12. They won't just create their own competition because they know it would fail and not enough people would watch it. It's easier to high jack an already established event and ride it into the ground. Sad really and kinda pathetic

  13. Let's create a new TRANSWOMEN Pageant to stop their protest. I wonder if this Trans pageant can sell tickets !

  14. They ALEEADY SAID that you Have to be BORN A WOMAN which Means you idiot MINUS a Weenie on the day you were born. Just to be CLEAR if you had a penis when you were Born you are NOT a woman. The tide has turned on this stupid crap. Live with it

  15. 4:37 They never said 'assigned at birth', because being female is not something that is assigned at birth. 🙄 They literally said BORN FEMALE. But okay.

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