Travel To St. Thomas With Me! | Snorkeling, Beach Days, Ft. Madi Westbrooke & More | Lauren Norris

Travel To St. Thomas With Me! | Snorkeling, Beach Days, Ft. Madi Westbrooke & More | Lauren Norris

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WELCOME TO ST. THOMAS! This trip was so much fun with Madi! This was a great way to end our summer. What was your favorite part? See you in my next video, angel! Xoxo, Lauren
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  1. Girl!!! Travel agent here – you should use one next time!! We always do extensive research to make sure nothing like this happens😅 Plus we can save you money!

  2. I know you said you weren’t the happiest where the stayed but hope you go back one day my friends go there a lot but don’t stay in a resort and the beaches and everything they send me pictures of look amazing hopefully next time you’ll have a better experience!

  3. Our best friend lives in St. Thomas and literally the first thing he said when we went there was not to drink the tap water. He said even ice made with tap water, or fountain drinks that have a tap into them can make you sick. I can't believe they told you to drink the tap water!

  4. I’m sorry you stayed at a place with such unhelpful, rude staff! I hope all your future trips are lovely 😊💕🏝

  5. Too bad that you didn’t stay at the Frenchman Reef,the Marriott. Best hotel on the Island. Stayed there 3 times over the years. So sorry you had that experience. I have been there in late July and no seaweed problem. Loved Charlotte Amalia.

  6. I enjoy this vlog. The thing that made me upset is hearing everything that did not go well for you and Madi. I am sorry you had to deal with all of this. People can be so horrible and this is a trip I would love to take in the future and I am happy you let us know about your experience so I never go to that resort ever

  7. They targeted only you because you're blonde young and beautiful and they are jealous and salty that you're there and able to afford it!

  8. I stayed at Margaritaville in Palm Spring, CA…loved our room and the pool area, but we didn't have a hair dryer like the website said it would (this was one of their more expensive suites), and we were also supposed to have two complimentary water bottles and we didn't have those either. We had to request them.

  9. You weren't being salty or rude. That is messed up. I'm sorry you had a rough time at your resort. I hope when you go back you enjoy every aspect next time! 🏖

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