Trump LOSES IT After His BFF Gets Arrested

Trump LOSES IT After His BFF Gets Arrested

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Donald Trump loses it as Steve Bannon gets arrested. John Iadarola and Francesca Fiorentini break it down on The Damage Report.

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“Steve Bannon turns himself in on contempt of Congress charges.
The former aide to President Donald J. Trump had refused to comply with a demand for information from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.”

#TheDamageReport #JohnIadarola #TheYoungTurks..(read more at source)

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  1. Look Trump is a Loser. He lost HIS Selection and people just love trump. But he lies. Q: How do you know Trump is lying? Answer: His lips are moving and his fingers are crossed. Trump is a punching bag. Trump hates people. Known nothing about climate change and if he was to become president again – every thing the current administration would do would be destroyed again. Like communicating with your neighbors, attacking people on a personal level. Firing people for doing their job. Causing hate and discontent. Increasing taxes on the common man, but more so breaking the law like calling George. Not paying attorneys and playing video games and wanting to become KING and messing with our voting laws and stuff like that. That just the beginning. What about making intelligent decisions because he is the intelligent one and an entire agency that does nothing but go to school with years of experience making and interpreting human trafficking and informing the powers that be about what is really going on with regards to our enemy's foreign and domestic. Nah- better let someone who is not trying to take money from people and lying about being rich. Trump is a foot note today, a laugh man subject matter much like a volley ball being made fun of and with good reason.

  2. Trump: "This country has never done to anyone what they have done to Steve Bannon".
    Trump who knows nothing about American history. Who couldn't name the first 5 Presidents of the U.S. But, he pronounces on what the U.S. has done or not done in an historical context.

  3. The world economy is a fraud, a deceit, and a crime in progress. The money (medium of exchange) is the oil that lubricates the system. It is something that should never be controlled by private entities. See the Thomas Jefferson quotes about central banks.

    When this oil, which lubricates always, everywhere that matters and with extreme importance, is controlled by a single or a few private organizations: it won't matter what other tweaks and changes in the economy or in govt laws/regulations may occur – those things with have little impact on the overall crime (stealing from the workers to provide for more crime, war and wealth to the owners of the lubricant). See the "Rothschild quote on controlling money."

    Nobody is allowed to mention this crime, it is that big and the criminals behind it that powerful. It is the reason for all the symptom problems the world faces today. Yes, you may not believe me, but it is true, every problem can have its' roots traced to this source crime. JFK tried to print up Treasury notes (the way money was supposed to be controlled according to the writings of those who founded our nation), to take away power from the private CB but he was shot just a few months later. His brother, RFK, was shot just before becoming our next true leader. MLK was then shot. Reagan had an agenda to help the nation during his campaign and the first few months in office. He was shot with the bullet missing his heart by an inch and when he returned a month later from the hospital we never heard one single word again about that previous, recent agenda he so boldly touted during the first few months of his tenure as our nation's leader – the administration's agenda changed to be completely absorbed by the cold war and no longer anything at all about helping restore sanity, fairness and justice to our nation.

    Bill Steele's Money Master series of books and videos (mostly scrubbed off the Internet now) explains the history of this crime which goes back centuries and is now bigger and more powerful than ever. This crime and the evil, satan worshiping people behind it, are the only things to have ever made Jesus Christ severely angry, according to the New Testament. It is time for Americans to tell the truth about how the corrupted economy actually works because currently while we live under this corrupt system all roads will lead to poverty, suffering and eventually global tyranny. Not a single news outlet or center of higher education will explain this accurately, fully and without confusion despite how actually simple and mathematically and logically true it is.

  4. Francesca is absolutely right. The Dems need to change their leadership and let young, outspoken and aggressive – if necessary – politicians do the job.Take some private lessons from the Lincoln Project for example.

  5. If the government does nothing to the treasonous dogs who attempted attempted overthrow a leagaly elected president. And as far as I know it's the first and only time in the history of this country it's ever has happened. To call trump a disgrace would be a understatement. And I hope someone can give him this message from me to him. No numbnuts your not the chosen one. You idiot your the completely disgraced one and a fool and complete idiot as well. And if you look the meaning of complete idiot in the dictionary. There's your picture with that slack jawed expression. And history will definitely decribe you as the absolute worst president in the history of this country

  6. Republicans talking about how to get more votes be like
    Head: ok boys. We need to win the next election. Any ideas.
    Person 1: tell the base lies to divide the country!
    Person 2: rig the elections so that they will skew in our favor.
    Person 3: why not bring in an idea they will actually like?
    Head: glares at person 3
    Person 3 gets tossed out a window

  7. Oh donnie DO SHUT UP. your sycophants refused a Congressional Subpoena so what do you expect? you fools are NOT ABOVE THE LAW. When you fools break the law you will face consequences, so smarten up and obey the law!

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