Undercover Footage of Ballot Fraud Leads to Jail Time for Former Arizona Mayor

Undercover Footage of Ballot Fraud Leads to Jail Time for Former Arizona Mayor

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🔵 Guillermina Fuentes Analysis:

🔵 AG Statement:

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🔵 Nadia Guadalupe Lizarraga Indictment

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  1. 🔴 A Documentary by The Epoch Times, reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people.👉👉 https://ept.ms/3zHEfNC

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  2. That's all they get for a treasonous felony, either some jail, no jail, and probation? This should be an automatic prison sentence.

  3. A major software manufacturer for voting machines across the country just arrested for supplying all the info to the CCP plead not guilty in court just days ago. Still I believe his software is still in use during these midterms. Biden says ballot counting may take weeks after election day before winners can be announced.
    Smells fishy to me. Thanks Roman.

  4. Watch the Dems brag that mass early voting was a good thing for them🤯Morning Show ,but Gail wasn’t there to throw her 2 cents in😂

  5. Unbelievably weak sentances. Compare them to the Jan. 6 politicle prisoners who have been in solitary almost a year…. we need to do something… this is so far from correct, just, or right. Or fight fire with fire?

  6. 30 days?….seriously? Once the republicans take back control of Congress and Senate, they need to work on REAL punishments for these frauds! This is similar to Nancy P. Getting rich on insider information, and paying a $200 fine! STOP THIS MADNESS!

  7. Let's see they're guilty of a kind of theft from every single person within the jurisdictions of the candidates that were voted for. For stealing from millions of people you get 30 days. What would the sentence be if I took a dollar from every one of those individuals? but it's only a dollar.

  8. Arizona Democrat Gets 30 Days in Jail for Harvesting a Total of Four Ballots in ‘Sole Case’ Ever Prosecuted in State

  9. Every detected and solved crime is only the tip of the iceberg of all unsolved crimes. Trump lost Arizona by 11k votes.

  10. Republicans do that all the time. There such cheaters and sore losers they attack anyone who disagrees with them

  11. Put them in jail. Oh wait they are Democrats and we know they are above the law if they was Republicans they would be in federal prison

  12. Those women need to take time to talk to the ones that stuffed ballot boxes for Biden. Trump got more votes than has ever been and Biden didn't even campaign and got more votes than Trump? This would be an almost impossible task. It is next to impossible? It ranks right up there to walking on water. Impossible!

  13. A month in jail is a slap on the wrist is no wonder why they're not afraid to commit voter fraud, voter fraud should be considered a matter of national security the wrong person in power could destroy this country as it is happening right now with the Biden administration

  14. The punishment seems like a joke. This is election fraud, I agree with the person who said they should no longer be allowed to vote in ANY State or Federal election.
    I personally do not want to pay for her care in jail however I think at least a year she would only serve a third of the time give anyway (so basically she'll serve a week at most).

  15. Vote on election day ONLY, and only in person. Purple thumbs, legitimate photo ID, 30 day old registration. No exceptions except military and medically confined. Then make sentences one year minimum in PRISON – not county jail.

  16. So like I'm not convinced that trump lost the election, but from the research I've done, there were 4 ballots that she did this to right? Like it does appear to be a simple mistake, yet it is illegal, this isn't really a ballot harvesting scheme. I wish there was real evidence or else I may not believe the right as much going further. Idk. I'll continue to vote right, but we need to see clear cut evidence..

  17. Biden: There was no fraud, how dare you question it! You are a terrorist if you think there was fraud. (eye roll)

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