Vaneaaa Williams gets Miss America Apology 32 years later

Vaneaaa Williams gets Miss America Apology 32 years later

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  1. The Still Gorgeous, Multi-Talented, Vanessa Williams, Resigned After The Media and The Asses at The Miss America Association Made Her Life Miserable; But Despite That, She NEVER Took Her Crown Off❗️This Queen's Reign Is Over When SHE Decides…And as Far as ANYONE Knows , Her Crown Is Still Intact, It Is Still Indestructible …and She'll Wear it To The Grave…👑👑👑👑👑 Because She's Certainly Earned It❗️❤♥️❤️♥️ 🎶🎤 💎🎬 🕶👏👏👏👏😮👏🏆🔥🔥👀👍👍

  2. And she went on to become one of the most successful Miss America winners to date. They did her so wrong. Glad that it is now a bridge under the water.

  3. And it was well deserved. should have been gave her the Roses back One of the most successful Winners and still well known

  4. She was always nothing but class and dignity. What a great career. God Bless Vanessa Williams. The Greatest Miss America…ever.

  5. She broke the rules and lied about it. Did everyone forget that? Those pictures were disgusting by the way.

  6. God afternoon, You Go Girl! You're Still Miss America to me! You are blessed and a blessing to Black Americans worldwide!

  7. It took them 32yrs to admit their racist perspective was wrong and yeah she got the last laugh Cuz aint no Ms America finer than her after 32 yrs! If they meant it they would have re-crowned her on the show from taking it back then. Black Dont Crack when you that fine. Congratulations Vanessa. You won The War

  8. I did not see this 7 years ago. I didn't know they finally apologized. I was really hurt, for her, as a Black man. I thought it was malicious and capricious. They know everything about the girls before they even get a spot in the pageant, even the pageants before she even gets to this pageant.


    She is far more graceful than I would have been. A true lady. There are almost no ladies left in the world.

    P.S. fix the title.

  9. I guess it doesn't matter that she touch very pornographic pictures and they're very explicit…. don't believe me just Google them you can find them online

  10. Apologize for posing naked in playboy???!!!!! Now u can pose naked and run for president!!!!!!!!🙄🙄🙄🙄

  11. Wow, I can’t believe I didn’t see this nor hear about this!!! What a gracious woman Vanessa is. It always saddens me how she was treated during that time. And for them to apologize 32yrs later… I know it took a lot to accept that apology ❤ no matter what tho, she was always our first black Miss America and forever our Queen👑👸🏾💕

  12. She did not live up to the title then.. I don't understand the apology.. shes the one who made the bad pics..It was what it was move on you bettered yourself.

  13. She is a woman of great and numerous talents, without the crown she will still shine bright.she has proven that time and time again. the legend herself 👑💐❤😘

  14. 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐👑

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