Vanessa Williams Returns to 2016 Miss America

Vanessa Williams Returns to 2016 Miss America

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After over 30 years, Vanessa Williams returns to Miss America 2016 to judge and also receives a formal apology from the CEO of the organization. More details at

I own no right to this footage and it is intended strictly for promotional use…(read more at source)

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See also  1988 Miss America Swimsuit & Evening Gown Prelims (September 1987)

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. Too late . And when are they going to apologize to the first Jewish miss america who was treated like crap , was denied access to places and lost her endorsement deals c with major brands that usually use miss america but refused to be represented by a jewish person. And how about apologizing to the black people who were portrayed as slave on stage during miss america performances in the early days of the pageant .
    I have never considered Vanessa anything less than miss america , resigning was a smart move then , but she should not get an apology , she should demand compensation for the pageant not supporting her when she was facing prejudice and discrimination and threats . Cut her a big fat check not just a public apology, Everybody can say i'm sorry .
    As a rapist or a child molester to apologize to the victim to avoid death penalty and he will , this doesn't and will never make it up for the crime . Even chopping off the head of the molester won't make it up , and Vanessa may not have been sexually assaulted, but she was physically and emotionally molested in a dreadfully public manner and the organizers of the contest never helped her . Those people should be rotting in jail and the pageant should be made illegal and no longer exist, espcially in this day and age when we should give credit to people for far more important things than being beautiful or graceful , especially nowadays when beauty can be so easily manufactured .
    I mean really < How can a contest which STILL discriminates against fatties , physically disabled , any form of physical so called imperfection , even against religious values or lack of it (good luck winning if you say that you don't believe in god or that you're muslim) , or asking women to walk in Bikini as if this had anything to do with representing a country or a human being for that matter . How the fuck can this pageant or any pageant be still legal in 2018 .

  2. Don't never loose your intergrity. keep moving on. despite the rough journey that tear you down. Only your strength will lead you trough and from there you will be written in the book of the wise as Once Upon a time….

  3. They only made her resign… They never took her crown, Vanessa
    still has her original crown, check her out on Facebook & you'll see… But that apology was so loooong over due!

  4. This was a great moment. I cried.Β  I was remember when she won and the scandal and when she resigned. They did not have to re crown her because she was not fired, she resigned so she kept her original crown. She was always a former Miss America.Β  She is the most elegant, beautiful, talented, classy and sophisticated Miss America Ever.Β  Success is the best Revenge.

  5. Why should they apologize or give her a crown. She signed a contract before running for Miss A and in that contract you have provide any information about nude pictures, etc. She lied about her nude pictures. When you lie on the questionnaire and you are proven a liar the rules are you relinquish you crown. She knew that and lied anyway. They didn't owe her an apology or any of the others that had to give up their crowns for lying. They only did that because she made it big in Hollywood and has a lot of money. Make her happy and she donates a lot of money to the pageant or so they hope.

  6. Believe in gods only begotten son Jesus Christ, for he came to take away
    the sins of the world.

    Dont die in your sins but accept jesus christ as your lord and saviour!
    We all have fallen short for the kingdom of god, and the Bible shall be a
    witness to gods word in court, But if you accept jesus christ as your saviour
    then he becomes your lawyer and defender. Dont take your sins with you to the
    grave! Accept the blood sacrifice of gods son, and repent from all sins and you
    shall be saved that is gods promise! Leviticus17:11Β β€˜β€™For the life of the
    flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an
    atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the

    Jesus christ defeated death and sin and toke away all your eternal sins
    in his punishment before the cross. Dont let your spirit suffer from the sins
    of the flesh but become a born again Christian and find hope in Jesus christ he
    loves you very much!!Β 

    Jesus healed me from my incurable asthma and he can do the same for you,
    im no person special! God loves us all, but it is our sins that separate us from
    his love and presence. We have to repent and trust in Jesus Christ and our
    spirit shall live forever in the glory of our god. I don’t have any profit to
    lie to you, please believe my testimony or atleast believe the word of god, The
    Holy Bible! Our heavenly father loves us all soo much that he gaveup his only
    begotten Son Jesus and Died a Horrible painful death on the cross to exchange
    our sins for his Holy righteous blood!!!

    Jesus has prepared a Mansion in Heaven for all who repent and give their
    life back to Jesus Christ our Saviour! Jesus said in my fathers place are many
    mansions I go there to prepare a Mansion for you.

    John 14:2 "Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God,
    believe also in Me. "In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it
    were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.

    Jesus loves us soo much!!! But sin is the Cause of death…

    Jesus has done all the work for you, all you gotta do is stop sinning
    and have faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. No good deed or action can
    payoff your sins, because the wages of sins is death, and there has to come a
    holy righteous sacrifice for your sins to pay them off. I love you all soo much
    thats why i give you this truth!

    RomansΒ 6:23Β For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is
    eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.

    For more info check my Google plus page:
    and a brother in Christ who has been to the other side:

  7. I would say although a great gesture to do, I would most very well think it was largely driven by ratings and publicity because MA needs that. Not to say Vanessa didn't deserve it, she deserves it and more. the apology seemed genuine though.

  8. Hold up. So she posted up nudes of herself. She got stripped of her title. It should've stayed like that, America is becoming too soft and letting people know making decisions like that is acceptable. Fuck that, you're a role model to potential other candidates, little girls look up to you, and you're going to show the world your nudes? Fuck outta here.

  9. β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯
    Jesus Christ is the only way to GOD
    He died and rose from the dead
    He promises you eternal life
    He will also heal your body!

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