We Need To Talk About Bama Rush…

We Need To Talk About Bama Rush…

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Last week was ‘Season 2′ of #BamaRush on TikTok… Everyone’s sorority fantasy brackets suffered this year due to unforeseen drama. Will Queen Kylan go Phi Mu or Zeta? What will be in everyone’s rush week Longchamp bag? Is that last season Lilly Pulitzer? What do you mean the Pants store sold out of hot pink mini skirts? So many questions to answer. Find out in today’s earth shattering video…. LIKE SUBSCRIBE SHARE IT’S FREE


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“Paranoia and Pastels at Bama Rush” –
“An $80,000 Party on a Tuesday’: Bama Rush TikTok Is Exposing the Wild Money Behind College Greek Life” –



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  1. Kylan also said she went ZTA for the big VOTE one day. As in she thinks it has a bigger social influence post college and potentially politics etc! Who knows lol

  2. I toured a bunch a schools in the SEC & UA was the school that did not tour an academic building. speaks for its self

  3. Alabama is rated worst in the country for education but also one of the poorest, I guess I don't get why they want to go here??🤷‍♀️🤣

  4. Sitting in bed watching this while doing my community college homework, eating some queso chips, and hitting my wax pen. I literally cannot believe that I exist in the same world as these girls. Good for them but also I feel like they cannot be human! The outfits? The polish? The pep?

  5. It’s so funny how you explained the different days 😂 a lot of it is also the sorority explaining what their philanthropy is and how they support it, what they do to enhance sisterhood and pref is the most accurate in how you explained it where the sisters explain how the chapter has impacted their lives

  6. This kind of stuff is why women of color and women of no color do not truely bond. I will love my elephants of wisdom, poodles of promise, and pink and green pick me wig. You couldnt make me value this other isht even if you put me in chains. I said it in hs, college, grad school and ill say it again: No, forever.

  7. That fact that that guys said “sHe SaId SoMeThInG aBoUt My SkIrT” as if women are simple minded & only get angry at people over someone insulting our clothes…? Or maybe they cut her bc they’re racist‼️

  8. Greek life girl from a smaller private school! I was on the recruitment team for a hot minute. After pref night, PNMs usually have 1-3 houses left. (Pref night also usually involved a little ceremony type thing that is more of a glimpse into the sorority’s secret sauce or whatever) They then go back after theyve visited the houses and rank them on a card. “$uicid3 bidding” is when a PNM has multiple houses left but only ranks one. If the house doesnt give her a bid then she is left without a house, but if she ranks a 2nd or 3rd and those houses give her a bid, then she’ll get one of her backup choices. Similarly, after we have all our pref night rounds, members will rank the girls they preffed on pref night. and the recruitment team ultimately decides who they issue a bid card too.

  9. I was a DZ at a smaller college with only 5 sororities way back in the day (pre social media) and it was like this but not to the extreme of spending thousands of dollars on outfits, etc. We didn’t care if girls were wearing name brands or anything like that. But we did have open house, philanthropy day, sisterhood day and pref. And to me the worst part was being on the side of the sorority during recruitment. We were at the house basically 24/7 the week before preparing, practicing talking to PNMs over and over again, cleaning the house, making sets for each day. Ugh it was just awful.

  10. Vividly remember asking my roommate why a certain sorority was considered "bottom tier". Without missing a beat she casually says, "because their girls are ugly." But sure.. it's about grades and character.. 😂

  11. See I always got bad vibes from sorority minions but now I have an actual reason to avoid them lol not funny tho like wtf is this? 🤦🏼‍♀️

  12. This is like one of those tiktok videos where people do "What Americans sound like to X" because as a Brit, I have no idea what Greek life is (nothing to do with Greece?), Idk what a sorority is or what rush is (the band??)
    So tell me why I just watched a 45 min video on it? 😂

  13. I was born & raised in the south (born in Bama; raised in Georgia) and I attended a southeastern college. As a freshmen, I went through Rush and pledged both Phi Mu and Kappa Delta, but at the end of Rush week, I suicide bid Kappa Delta (which means, if I didn’t get a bid from Kappa Delta, then I’d be cut from the whole process and I’d just be SOL. But I didn’t care, because by the end of the week, I’d made up my mind that I wanted to be a KD or nothing at all). Anyway, no Phi Mu’s ever spoke to me again after that. It was a very awkward situation because the guy I dated for the next 2 years was a Phi Mu big brother and I would attend all of their functions with him and all of the girls would act like I was invisible. This was 30 YEARS AGO. It was a ridiculously expensive, catty, fake-as-hell situation back then ~ I can’t even imagine how bad it must be now.

  14. greek life in the southeast is srs business that being said everyone from phi mu i have ever met is a mean girl lol

  15. she hadn't opened the second envelope yet to see Zeta, there is no delayed reaction because there is no reaction. As soon as she sees Zeta she's over the moon.

  16. Sorority, VVV = Vacuous, vapid, vain – everything shallow and horrible about the US. I never applied for Frat house, they would not want me anyway, too quiet, reserved, small and hate noise.

  17. Yeah, its not about good grades/philanthropy/being a good person. Money and conforming to a very misogynistic standard of femininity, its about power. These people have the power to do so much for Black and Queer and Trans liberation but that would threaten their elite social status, so they dont.

  18. I pledged a sorority, and let me tell you something. They all do some philanthropy, but that’s not what it’s really about. The right look, the right connections, the right pedigree-that’s really the bottom line for most of them.

  19. Okay. what I´m wondering: Those Sororities are supposed to be about character and sisterhood and grades. They´re also known to help you career-wise after collgege. If you´ve been in a soroity you get to know alumny and those alumny have connections to jobs and internships, so it´s easier to get them. But if membership costs around 8 to 10K a year on top of student admissions and fees, how are people who ar like 1st gen college-students and/or do not come from a household that is able to finance all this able to afford that? Right: they are not. So essentially sororities are all about the reproduction of the elite. Essentially sororitys are classist and discriminate against people who are not well off. Career-opportunities are probably denied because of that. Sororities are part of the problem.

  20. I'm from bham and went to school with 90% of the girls in bama greek life and wow. this was on point. I'm actually in a sorority but from a much smaller alabama school and it's SUCH a better experience at a small school. like there were literally 60 of us in the sorority at one point! and I actually didn't rush and joined later but yeah bama and auburn rush is insane.

  21. I’m obsessed with it as well, don’t know why, other than it’s fun and nice to see so much hope and excitement. I went thru rush and pledged a house in 1991. It hasn’t changed too much since then. We were told what to wear for each day, rush was also one week back then. I got new outfits for it, I remember being really worried about what I would wear. I was being heavily rushed by Delta Gamma, they were really into me. I mentioned at one of their parties that I had to pay my own dues so I wanted to know how much it would cost. They almost immediately stopped talking to me and ignored me for the remainder of the party. Needless to say they dropped me the next day. I ended up going Sigma Kappa. I remember bid day as the most amazing exciting day of my life. In the end it was alright for the most part. Work week was crazy, we couldn’t leave the house for two weeks – work week and rush. It was a lot of time and energy.

    Funny enough my stepdaughter was dirty rushed by Tri Delt. They told her not to worry and that she would get a bid, she got one thankfully because it would have devestated her if she didn’t. If she hadn’t, I would have turned them into Panhellenic.

  22. Just came across a video with you calling someone’s toddler a future “loser ass fuck boy”. Disgusting. Coming from someone who repeatedly says they have no friends and feels the need to use Botox and fake tan, this shows a sign of self hate and loathing. Shame on you. I’m sure your husbands employer would hate to hear this is how you speak about children.

  23. My cousin has VERY CLINICALLY BAD bipolar 1 disorder. She was stable for a very long time until she started rushing for sororities at University of Georgia where she went completely manic. She ended up not getting in any of the sororities and tried to jump off a building to commit suicide but was stopped by a police officer. She was expelled before classes even began and spend a year in and out of psych units trying to recover. Obviously she has her own issues but the pressure from the sorority culture destroyed her mental health.

  24. This is so fascinating! It's also horrifying to this introvert, since groups just are not for me..but I love reading about these societies. My college had a few fraternities, but I don't know if there were sororities or not. We had beanies and shit for new students and I wouldn't wear mine.
    Fun video, but I've never been so happy to be seventy and have completely different concerns and interests.

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