What Lakota Man forgot to mention in his tweet

What Lakota Man forgot to mention in his tweet

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Newsflash: The history of our world is the history of war and conquest.

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  1. Leftists: This is stolen land give it back!
    Me: Ok sure thing…..but which tribe?
    Leftists: Huh?
    Me: Which tribe gets the land? The Cherokee? Apache? Lakota? The Navajo??? The Sioux maybe? Maybe the Panwee? The Otoe? Which tribe gets the land? You do know that all the tribes that were here before the Europeans came fought and killed each other for the lands and quote on quote "stole" lands from each other so who gets the United States?
    Leftists: Well uh b.but shut up you racist sexist homophobic transphobic bigot gen z phobic all the phobic blablabla I am a loser.

  2. Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook are relatively free… be it though, you are censored, but Free… Local is Not… for anyone that does not make much anyway… $9.00, even for a month is a lot for a social network to be asking…
    But you ask for More… You want Credit Card info., and Email to say the least.
    Considered donations…. But keep it free. Not for Subscribers only… I would consider that.. through PayPal…
    You are cute looking and you have interesting points… But nothing I can live without.

  3. The ideology of “returning the land” is so absurd that if you started “returning the land worldwide you would have to reverse-migrate everyone and 7 billion people would end up living on top of each other. Purely idiotic!!!

  4. The American Indians are very welcome to be a part of the US culture and life. They are also given health care, land, and other subsidies to help with their culture. MANY, if not most of the US Casino's are owned by Indian Tribes. The Seminole tribe in Florida owns 7 LARGE casinos including the Hard Rock casino in Tampa. THEY MAKE BANK!!! I know it sucks they got "conquered" but I don't know of ANY civilization that treated their "conquered" as well and welcomed them with EQUALITY.

  5. The problem with people like Lakota Man is they don't think about things before they pop off about those same things they know nothing at all about.
    They have opinions made for them from ignorance.
    Basically they don't know anything about it and have never realized they actually know nothing about it. If that makes sense.
    Seminole Man

  6. Boo hoo, boo hoo. White man invented cars and now I can’t ride my horse to pick cow poop mushrooms and eat them to get spiritual advice.

  7. Who the heck took down my previous comment? Was it you? Or you? Tisk tisk. Remember remember the 1st of Amendments.

  8. Lakota man forgot that his cell phone, when used as a camera, will steal his soul. Yep. He blew it. What a dumbass. Now his soul is all over the internet. Molecule by molecule. Keep dancing around in circles numbnuts.

  9. In war, you get your ass kicked, you lose. They should feel lucky they were not erased from the face of the earth.

  10. Your view is so logical. Cant be denied. Truth makes you the best. Keep fighting liz. God. Speed. A. Native

  11. The Nez Perce conquered them all. They were the most ferocious tribe in the land. And after they conquered everybody, they setup networks of trade and farming, all over the Midwest. Now this is just speculation, but I have a theory, the Nez Perce even conquered, the cannibals. Remember, Columbus didn't discover America. He discovered cannibals. And Cortez went looking for those cannibals. He missed the Bahamas, and landed in Central America. So when Cortez showed up in Central America, he thought he was landing in the land of cannibals.

    But the question Still Remains… if Columbus discovered cannibals, and Cortez couldn't find them, where did they go? Arizona?
    My theory is, they ran into the Nez Perce, and the Nez Perce killed them all. Probably with the help of the Apache, or Cherokee.

    I'm not sure that the Sioux actually conquered the Cheyenne. But I do know, that by the time Custer came around, Sitting Bull was welcoming Cheyenne refugees that the u.s. Cavalry were chasing all over the plains. And it was the Cheyenne women, who punctured Custer's eardrums. And staked his manhood into the ground. Because it was a Cheyenne chief that cursed Custer. And if it's one thing that we can learn from Custer interacting with the Cheyenne is, if a Cheyenne Chief Taps his ashes out on your boot… You better abide by your promise. Especially, if you just smoked the treaty pipe with him. Otherwise they will make it so you can hear better in the next life.

  12. Where I live, the Bannock/Shoshone fought with the Crow for western Wyoming and Idaho. The Crow lost. For that matter, the Democrats were the ones who routinely violated treaties with the Tribes and took this and that chunk of land from them with no regard for the laws. Their treatment of Native Americans was just as bad as their treatment of African slaves and their descendants. For the Democrat Communists to be claiming what they claim and doing what they are doing to America is blatant hypocrisy and dishonesty. But, that is what they always do.

  13. Great Intel on the American Indian history. I have a strong Indian heritage and history. Am very supportive of the Indian nation and way of life. But also aware of their dark side as well. As in any culture globally we can't all get along. Look for the good in people and you will find it, look for the bad………..you'll find some of that as well.

  14. So this land has changed hands a number of times ,maybe we will never know how many times. GOD gave trees with fruit for all to eat! So how did all the orchards get owned and started , who gave the first man the right to plant more trees and qhere he planted them! So all lands was probably owned by many a pepole over these thousands of years that man has been on earth who gave man the right to raise herds of animals and claim the product from these animals?

  15. This "blurb" put out by Liz neglects the fact that Russia, Spain, France and others, stood in line to usurp the land mass from the indigenous, that now "claim" the land as theirs. LOL. Try getting something back, or even getting to some half-rights from them, you half-assed aboriginals, as they would have wiped you out to the point of no coming back. At least, even given the "nasty" territorial "warriors" who did not understand the consequences of their "war", or that there were blood thirsty other nations lusting after their land/natural assets, you have some left to bring "charges" of genocide/land theft. As bad as it seems, it is better than it could have been.

  16. Question for the 44,000 who signed the petition: How many of you are collecting from the government, maybe Welfare, Social Security, etc? Sure hope whoever we "return the land to", wants to take over your payments!

  17. You said it right. The democrats obviously hate the USA. They are always seeking to radically change it.

  18. The "natives" aren't native at all. They came to North America by crossing the land bridge between Siberia and Alaska 13000 years ago. So it's their land because they occupied it first? Good luck with that. Add that to the fact they had no concept of land ownership nor currency prior to Europeans arrival and it's a tough sell to get "stolen" land returned.

  19. When we look back through history virtually all land in the world has been conquered land. Some group or another vanquished another for land.

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