What Really Happened To Miss USA Chelsie Kryst?

What Really Happened To Miss USA Chelsie Kryst?

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Miss USA Chelsie Kryst recently passed away and many were floored at hearing the news…(read more at source)

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  1. Omg this is so sad. She was such a bright light! Her aura was so beautiful. This world can be too much. I have had the thought about 5 times in the last few months. I can hear in her voice that she was hurting. When she says certain things her voice breaks.

  2. At 3:31of video…"billable hours are trash." Who would gain to keep that information in-house? I'm Just Saying or maybe just curious.πŸ€¨πŸ€”

  3. Any loss of life is tragic, but what a sad waste….her talent, intelligence, beauty and sass. Very upsetting.
    The lockdowns won't have helped.
    She's with God now β€πŸ™

  4. She unfortunately, suffered Rasicm alot,, She mentioned Jesus,, as I white man, I respect all ,I am not better then any1, I am struggling personally right now,, BUT ,ALL MY HOPE and VALUE is FOUND IN CHRIST ALONE….

  5. I feel for her family. I refuse to think she took her life because of race. My mom is pretty dark and my dad the opposite. I felt the same but within my family because I looked like my dad. At family parties I always was left alone in a corner or a room I always felt so lonely. This is why I don’t think it’s the reason. But mental health could be the reason. Your advice to seeking professional help, is the best. Also all need to realize we need to treat all the same. I once went into a all black church, because I was visiting family in Florida and my gps took me to that church, everyone looked at me like I was from a different planet except for one black Puertorican. You all be blessed and let’s make a difference by please trying to treat all equally.

  6. Are you a clinical psychologist? You should not be discussing this without an expert cause you don’t sound too educated at all.

  7. We are always being attacked. white folks end have come. They don't even want to accept it. It's crazy how they see their end is here. Every white person think they have white friends. Smh. White folks just want us to be weak which is a sign of their insecurity. A brother would have protected her.

  8. People with depression attempt suicide multiple times without success. There were no reports of Miss USA ever trying to end her life before. This is bogus.

  9. The speculation that she was murdered is why some people don’t want to reach out for help. Her mom confirmed it on her IG ( that she was depressed) and the autopsy report. What more do people need to know?? Black people do take their lives. It happens all the time. Depression ( speaking as someone whose been through it), really affects your brain and thinking. I’m thinking functional depression is even worse because you don’t seem depressed so it’s harder to detect.

  10. Why So called African Americans have a hard time leaving America. My husband is retired, can moved to the Islands, have a stress free life: can’t seems to detach himself from that repressive country called Amerikkka.

  11. Yes Mr. Scott, I experienced that felling the minute I walked out of the plane. Left NYC to the islands and don’t want to go back.

  12. I don’t agree with the statement that woman like her have more problems we all have problems she was a pageant winner an attorney and she then became even more successful people need to stop taking theirselves so seriously this woman had it all but she complained about how difficult it is to be a black woman it’s not easy being a woman period

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