When A Karen Gets LIFE In Prison…

When A Karen Gets LIFE In Prison…

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Find out what happens when Karens get the harshest sentence possible…

In this video you will see Karen vs court marshals, funny Karen vs Judge freakout moments, Karen public freakout moments, Karen vs Police moments, court cam footage, Karen instant karma moments, Karen messes with the wrong cop moments, and more!

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When a Male Karen Gets Life In Prison…

When A Karen Gets Life In Prison… #2


When A Karen Goes To Prison.. #4

10 Minutes Of Karens Vs Judges

8 Minutes of Karens Vs Judges! Part 2

18 Minutes of Karens Vs Judges!

12 Minutes of Karens Vs Judges!

PSYCHO KAREN Gets Instant Karma…

Karen Gets Life In Prison After This..

Video inspired by – A&E Court Cam, Karma, Illusive, Rekt Videos, Retail Nightmares, Karen Go Brrr, & Public Freakouts Unleashed.

#Karen #Court #Compilation..(read more at source)

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About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. This video is a complete mess, it's not at all what the title describes. You take chunks of human tragedy and try to make some kind of joke video about it. I'm disgusted. Really disgusted. This is horrible.

  2. And people argue against the death penalty. All of these criminals will be released short of their sentencing and will re-offend, harming many innocent people along their paths. California is the top promoter of release early to re-offend, thanks to the brainwashed liberal policies CA residents willingly and deliberately vote into office.

  3. And in Certain Areas in the United States, these, uhm, People. Will be able to Get Away with More Depravery. I have seen an Interview with MS. Blair. You should watch it before your Court of Public Opinionation. I am not making Excuses but your "Karen's in Court" Does not Scratch the Surface. Bass Webb is a Nasty Animal. Also, if He was "Out&About" If I were the Owner of this Video, I'd Delete It

  4. I feel you apply the label of Karen to any woman who is upset about anything. The first woman is pleading explaining that she is the victim of DV. I don't think that makes her Karen. Whether what she did was right or wrong it wouldn't make her a Karen.

  5. It does come down to parenting. Anyone can learn to behave. I have friends and I have a special needs kid who teach their children how to behave instead of a excuse for their kid's bad behavior.

  6. These aren't "Karen's" they are entitled narcissists. They can harm others and feel zero remorse. Yet, when they have to face accountability and it actually affects them …. That's when they get mad.

  7. When it comes to the case of that 11-year-old you know why it's 100% bad parenting they should have taken their child to an expert when they notice something was wrong instead of denying it cuz I promise you 100% all they did was deny it was something wrong with their kid now he's going to jail

  8. Because they were able to stop that young boy from shooting up the school, he may be able to get the help he so desperately needs I'm hoping they keep him in a facility and not let him go home more than likely. That's what they're going to do, and this is a great opportunity for them to learn as much as they can, why these kids are doing it, I mean, I know why some of them have done it, and I do want to say growing up, I was abused in every way a child can be abused, I'm disabled, and I was horribly bullied by girls and guys would kick me in my legs, try to walk like me, but of course, they couldn't pull that off and they even threw rocks at me, and guys would put their hands on me inappropriately, because they felt it was ok to sexually assault someone who is disabled, even though all I did was walk a little different, but of course, this was the 70s and 80s, but it still goes on today, and if we could catch it before, it happens, we will be able to learn so much from them and hopefully stop students who could potentially do this in the future. So it's a great thing that they have him. He definitely doesn't need to go home now when it comes to the bullying, here's the thing don't let it define your life. Don't carry it with you, leave it in the past were it belongs, you can be happy, I am I've overcome so much in my life, and I don't let any thing I went through in the past as a child, hold me back, you don't need to use drugs because you have ptsd they just need to get help it's out there, please, please get help don't hold on to the past, don't let it define you I didn't, and because I didn't you can too, but I'm really hoping this young guy can get soon serious help and they can learn a lot from him.

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