When past mrs.afton and william fight infront of michael

When past mrs.afton and william fight infront of michael

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    Me : give mike a foxy doll
    Me : my bean need to be happy and you don't know that is your child, HE NEED BE LOVE, BE HAPPY….
    me: *hug mike * don't worry It will finish…

  2. this makes me wanna cry bc i've seen fights, sometimes they get violent but then again sometimes i laugh at my parents when they yellin

  3. I'm glad William care more about him self then the micheal.Then blames Micheal for Chris death.So William murder Chris because if he had given Micheal a better childhood,then that would have never happen.They would all be alive today.

  4. Mrs. Afton and Mr. Afton fighting
    Me : breaking into their house slowly
    Seeing baby mikey
    Also me : hello there little bean 🥺
    I'm gonna steal you, and make sure that you won't see this agine 🥺💔

  5. I feel bad for William and the baby because I feel like he's just telling fax like if you're doing all the work and, somebody's just taking the credit for what you're doing. Then I would be mad as well and if you are not noticing what I'm doing, then, of course, I would be mad as well

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