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If you think that beauty #pageants are an unlikely venue for #feminist #activism , then you don’t know enough about the NASA beauty pageants, or about the women at NASA. NASA held a #beautypageant in most of its Centers, until a group of women at the Johnson Center put a stop to it.
Here are links to the books mentioned at the end:
Apollo in the Age of Aquarius
Girls Coming to Tech! A History of American Engineering Education for Women
Lady Astronauts, Lady Engineers, and Naked Ladies: Women and the American Space Community during the Cold War, 1960s-1980s
Rocket Girls and Astro-nettes..(read more at source)
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Yeal I remember when all this happened. Now they are broke down old hags crying about being broke and alone.
Notice how classy looking the ladies are. Compared to today where women dress like trashy streetwalkers .
I liked it when Jeannie Nelson won the NASA beauty contest
Does video really represent what is normal? Look at YouTube. I think we make videos of what is unusual as well
We never went back to the Moon.
Women snuck in and altered ballots with drawings of men in July 1973.
We haven't been to the Moon since Dec 1972.
You go grrrls.
And yet, 50 years on if you disregard medicine there are barely any women imployed in the STEM fields or working towards degrees.
It sounds like people had sex back then, and society wasn't collapsing. Perhaps they knew something we don't anymore.
Is the world any better without beautiful woman?
And look at where the rise of feminism has gotten us as a society; angry single women and lonely single men.