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Gretchen Carlson sits down with Tim to discuss the fight against sexual harassment, age discrimination, her courage in speaking out against Fox and Roger Ailes, and the advice she has for young girls as they enter a potentially dangerous workplace environment.
Learn more about Life Our Voices, Gretchen’s nonprofit organization, here:
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Thanks for bringing Ms Carlson to your show, such a good interview, especially the question related to how to raise your daughter!
"Where are the male allies?"
What happened to, "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."? It's your gig, Gretchen. We owe you nothing. We'll keep our money, enjoy our lives and let you fight it out for yourselves. Shaming tactics work on simps like Tim Miller, but any self respecting man is living his best life and enjoying the fruits of HIS labor.
Gretchen you are correct. Trump opened the Pandora's box. It breaks my heart. I hope we can go back. I just don't see how.
Gretchen Carlson is such an inspiration to many young women who find themselves being sexually harassed in the workplace. With the recent allegations being made by Cassidy Hutchinson in her new book, it makes me wonder if Gretchen Carlson's experiences gave her the courage to come forward with her own experiences. I watched Hutchinson's interview with Rachel Maddow and could only think one thing….eewwww. Men can be so nasty, and it's about time women begin standing up and calling out that bad behavior. Men try to blame much of their bad behavior on "locker room talk", but no, men should not get a pass for treating women so abominably.
Tim has creepy audio gremlins @25:48 and on.
Re: the discussion about why Me Too and progress is simultaneous with all of the ugly, hateful stuff. Tim used the word, Backlash, which Susan Faludi theorized a few decades ago.
Thank you for your voice Gretchen and your conversation about boys. I am a mom of 3 boys, my oldest approaching 13. I am trying so hard to teach them their words matter and to treat people with respect. It is so important. I see people at events where their parents are modeling poor behavior. It worries me. But I can do what I can do.
The male allies got tired of being backstabbed by women everytime we render aid. So we're leaving the females to their fate.
I really needed to hear this interview… fight the good fight! Thank you Tim and an extra special thank you to Gretchen!
I agree with a lot of the things that you’re saying, but let’s stop painting women is angels
The Origins of the word Pussy is not female genitalia. It has become slang to call it that "the word pussy is a noun and means cat"- I would also like to stop hearing the word "douchebag" as a pejorative. If a man is a dickhead we should call them that, using the correct male genitalia and not calling into mind how women cleanse themselves
Thank you, Tim, for this interview. I didn't know of Gretchen's story and what she is doing now. I wish I had her 30 years ago. For you, Tim, to help raise your children, I give you two words, "Not acceptable." These two words spoken to me by my Priest when I asked for his help in getting an annulment from my husband who raped me when I was married to him after telling him the whole story, meant the world to me. Had my parents, my church, my school had used these words throughout my childhood instead of "good" and "bad" or "right" and "wrong", ALL of us would have organically more respect for each other then and now. It's not acceptable for any Catholic to rape another especially in the sanctity of marriage and to whom that person is married. This was ten years post-divorce I sought help from my Church. Around the same time, I wanted to help other women by becoming a safe house for them. During those meetings with the network of experts who came together to train us on the dynamics of abused people, I learned that I wasn't only physically raped and verbally abused by my husband all those ten years I was married to him, I was also emotionally and psychologically abused by him. I had to reconcile with this enlightenment before I could help anyone else. I don't know how you can teach children the deepest tentacles of abuse beyond "not acceptable." When I divorced my husband, I recognized I needed deprogramming as if I were in a cult. In 1984, where do you get that help? I was in therapy for a long time and some therapists helped a lot. I still never felt they had "fixed" me and some part of me was still broken. In 2009, my retelling of my marriage to a friend, I started crying uncontrollably and my body started shaking. This went on for four straight days. I thought, for sure, my body was trying to kill me. I then realized that not only was I recounting my story out loud but, my body was also remembering and brought me back to the last year of days in my marriage when I'd start shaking and crying about 3-4 hours before my husband was due to come home from work. It was like no time had passed and my body was thrown back into reliving that terror. I knew then that I had tapped into the part of me that still needed fixing. Not only was my body telling me it hadn't forgotten the danger I had once been in, that it was also warning me that the person to whom I am confiding, is even more dangerous. I know this to be true because ever since I've been raped I can have a visceral reaction to any person's certain gesture or inflection in their voice or anything and I immediately don't trust them. I started to cry and shake when this person started clenching his jaw, wringing his hands and raising them up to his head as though he was going to start pulling out his hair. It took me four days to sort this out. He was smarter than my ex, just as evil and more secret and covert. I then took to writing and through that, realized I have PTSD. It took me almost two years to find a therapist for it. I'm still not fixed but I still write a lot which has always helped me figure out stuff. So, thank you both.
Tim, ya didn't go down the Kavanagh Confirmation Hearing road?
Careful of church 'indoctrination'. How dare the Far Right use that word describing opposition. Taxpayer Vouchers to private church schools in Texas…really? 1980s already been there, DISMISSED❌👎🩸
Jesse Waters is THE absolute worst. Start the lawsuits again AGAINST FOX and sons, Class Actions by Everyone. 📢
Glad she reinforced the truism about sexual assault is about POWER over others, the vulnerable or perseved to be weak by a predator. Misplaced actions are often learned behavior contrubuting to 'cycle'. Please don't leave your children in an environment with just one adult. Try and STAY with kids rather than just dropping off. Safety First. Texas wants to put a 'Chaplain' in every counselors office, no credentials or formal education required. What could go wrong???❤️🔥❌🩸👎
Suzanne at Faux has to go for any integrity. Murdoch choice. Shep up sonny boy.
Meidas Touch Jennifer took her NDA to court and won also. She's a lawyer and reformed to Dem because if her experience.
Still wondering if Roger Ailes visited Bee Cave,Texas during his last couple of years. Swear he was drunk crossing five lanes of traffic giggling with another player from Italian Restaurant??? 🤠🤪
So was her whole message, I have an organization created to tell other woman not to sign the kind of contracts that I had to sign? Or maybe, I can't tell you anything about my situation because i took the $$ but despite that, you shouldn't do that even if the only way you get into this industry is by signing those contracts? I am so confused.
Seems like 1 step forward, 2 steps back for women – especially if well-known and/or popular men are involved.
Sooo we're going to gloss over the years she spent as a FOX/Republican propaganda mouthpiece? I have to say, as one of the Bulwark's lib-leaning subscribers, that feels very, very weird. And more than a little icky.
Can't fault her on the subject matter at hand, though. Fuck Ailes, and fuck the Murdochs. Hope it's warm in Hell, boys.
Said alot of positive things buuuut she shouldn't get away with blaming this all on Donald Trump. Fox and right wing media did more then their fair share to soften the ground including her while she was there
Great observation Tim. It is the brave WOMEN who also come forward first.
Tim, make sure you let your daughter know you value more than her looks! Whenever someone told my husband that our daughter was beautiful, he would respond with, “And she’s smart too!” Girls are pressured to dumb themselves down for boys! Don’t let her do that! Women are often also socialized to be peacemakers. That means pushing down our own needs to satisfy others! Mostly, love and value her for who she is!
And make sure when she starts school, she has the right kind of shoes to actually play! Some girls have shoes that are pretty, but mean they can’t play on the playground equipment unless they’ve careful. And the can’t play soccer or whiffle ball etc cause their shoes slip and slide (but they’re pretty ! Lol).
I LOVE DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!! Tried to watch last night and it's not streaming anywhere 😢. Also good interview & thank you Gretchen for your work trying to make us safer at work
I'm glad someone is addressing age discrimination. Being the victim of this, I am very uplifted to hear that some big names are putting truth to this issue that effects people over 50.
Sorry… This woman is an empty suit who was part and parcel of essentially the propaganda arm of the Republican Party, going along with the dumbest outrage fatming long before Trump was on the scene. She laud the seeds that have sprouted and the harvest turned on her?
Boo fucking Hoo.
I like Tim but he still hasn't reckoned with what "mainstream Conservatism" has wrought, not really.
Gretchen Carlson is a champion, a truly courageous person. Corporate NDAs and forced arbitration are protecting abusers and ensuring that generations of employees not only suffer, but suffer in silence. Thankyou so much for putting yourself in the scorching spotlight to fight to change these ghastly practices!
It’s not often these days that something makes me like Lindsay Graham a little better. But hearing that he has been an advocate for Grethchen’s legislation on the Republican side is something that I am very thankful for.
The plight of normal white men (the only perspective I can speak about directly) has nothing to do with the fact that many powerful people are also white men. It's not like those rich guys hang out with normal low-to-middle class white guys and give us all secret promotions, in fact these same rich white guys are rewarded socially for giving opportunity to minorities and women, creating a specific disadvantage for non-rich white guys that is unique to our position in society. I'm mature enough to understand that other types of people (not middle class white men) have other types of disadvantages, but FFS please stop pretending that there isn't any merit to "the plight of the (not rich) white man".
Thank you for this wonderful interview.
Thanks for having Gretchen on Tim.
Nobody heard of the traditional, historical defence? A kick in the balls followed by slashing nails? Kept women in my family safe for at least 3 generations… my grandmother worked as typist in WW2 munitions factory… police called to altercation in her department… no charges issued..bloodied weeping male supervisor resigned days later
All due respect but the current climate on the right is not because of DJT. Decades of fear mongering and misogyny on foxnews is the cause. I wish Gretchen would have been more introspective about that.
Painful to hear this but glad she’s engaging in the effort to change this circle the wagons trap. I was pushed out of a hospital in my early 60’s replaced by a young practitioner. The hospital behaved very badly and surreptitiously. There were forced contract signings of NDA’s and binding arbitration. Basically the hospital writes the contract-give the pages long legal contract to us/employees then with a day or two to sign and return it OR leave. The hospital had me on a work “contract” to pay them back for education. Leaving meant a huge financial burden. Hospitals have their own legal departments teams. By the way at 68 still am paying back school loans. Paid off undergrad and one grad loan. Working on #2 grad loan. Ugh. Raised 4 kids so I needed those loans to get an education to support us.
Companies get a financial break on liability insurance by having nonarbitration agreements in place. The insurance industry is another potential target for legislation and change.
Yet another great interview. ❤️
It seems like she was more than happy to be part of the horrible right oppression of women until it crawled up her own skirt.
Florida Festivis Beer Can Poles offend this woman.
As a woman living in America you better be gutsy and stand up for yourself. Some call it aggressive I call don’t take anyone’s shit!
I can’t believe she’s never seen Drop Dead Gorgeous, so funny. I love that Tim loves this movie. My husband and I met that summer the movie was being filmed in MN, we were aquatic life interpreters at the MOA aquarium. Kirsty came into the aquarium during my husband’s shift. I was so envious because it is a deep desire of mine to see famous people in the wild.
You're a true hero Gretchen thank you for all you do for women and girls. Good interview Tim best one to date on this format.
Omg I totally forgot about Drop Dead Gorgeous!!! Tim is right that movie is AMZIMG & u MUST watch it w/your girls….u will LOVE it…just saying…good job Tim
We need a live stream of Tim and Gretchen watching "Drop Dead Gorgeous" together!
Can’t believe Gretchen hasn’t watched Drop Dead Gorgeous. OMG 🤣🤣🤣 The smoking in the hospital!😂 There’s a photo of mom in the hospital after delivering my sister where there is a pack of smokes and ashtray on the bed table. 🤪😛🤣🤣🤣 Family movie night for sure!!
UNIONIZE and get workplace protection