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Who Won? And the New Miss America 2023 is…

Who Won? And the New Miss America 2023 is…

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  1. They're all beautiful, but the reason Miss Wisconsin won wasn't based off her looks, talent or interview. It was based off her "social impact platform," which was clean energy. Zero-carbon energy sources (which has created all our rolling blackouts across the country without coal plants) The pageant is now 100% political. According to the Miss America Organization, Miss America is "positively advancing the goals and objectives of Miss America Organization as well as her own Social Impact Initiative." Over the last couple years, the MAO has eliminated swimsuit and evening gown categories and replaced them with the social impact platform. In 2018, they stopped calling it a pageant, and now it's a competition. The music was cheap. The background was cheap. And all the hard work these ladies have done was hardly even recognized or seen because of a paywall on the MAO website🙄 Miss NY should have won based on talent, beauty and ability to communicate and carry herself professionally.

  2. Congratulations to ALL the contestants (you are all winners to have made it to the pageant), and to Miss Wisconsin, for winning that coveted crown of Miss America 2023 !!!! I have been a fan of Miss America, since the late 1960’s, when I was a child (my much older sister, now deceased, used to watch it back then, which is how I watched the pageant, as a child) ..I continued to watch every year, it was “appointment television” in my home, to see who would win that coveted crown. I felt strong emotion, when viewing this video clip, and am saddened to see the negative comments. I will just add that “change is constant,” and the organization has made, what I consider to be positive changes, as far as focusing on these talented young women, as a whole. I do wish they would play the rendition of “There She Is,” sung by Bert Parks, long time host of the show, no one sung the song quite like he did !! lol ..One more thing, I do wish the pageant was placed back on network t.v., as the institution of Miss America, should be broadcast to an audience, where more people would see it. Unfortunately, I missed this year’s pageant, as I had not heard when, or where, it was being broadcast. I had wondered when the pageant was held, and finally looked it up here. In any event, congratulations to you ALL !!!!

  3. When I was a little girl I used to watch these pageant shows. Probably cuz there wasn't a lot to watch on tv. It seems like the same States always won or in the running. Nice to see a state that doesn't win actually win for a change. I never watch these shows anymore. This probably came up and my recommendations cuz I was looking up stuff about Wisconsin

  4. Without the runway….without the swim suit competition….without "There She Is Miss America…'s just a pageant. Nothing to watch anymore. I haven't watched in years because it's so disappointingly boring.

  5. Where's the poise and glam? This is like a company annual awarding ceremony for the best customer service!

  6. The pageant has gone down the tubes….should be back in AC, NJ and on a saturday night in SEPTEMBER. Gretchen Carlsen should be proud for destroying the tradition.

  7. i thought, MAO removed evening gowns & replaced with "formal wear" but it looks like the candidates were wearing evening gowns.

  8. Glad and proud of my homegirl, from the state of Wisconsin, where I was born and have lived all my life! But probably any one of the beauties from the other states could have made a good Miss America too! I say this from the heart ❤️💜 as a Wisconsinite! And a proud, black Christian man. Miss New York seemed to be really happy for our girl 👊👍🤗 for winning. I imagine all the other contestants were. That's what it's about in any kinda contest. Be it a beauty pageant, NBA champion game, NFL , MLB World Series, NHL, boxing match, whatever. All who participated in it, and watch it, etc. Should be happy for the winner. As long as it was fair! That makes me think of the Oscars, Emmys, Grammy Awards, etc.

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