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How Elle Smith, Miss USA 2021 will prepare for Miss Universe 2021 😱 Do you think she can be crowned as Andrea Meza’s Miss Universe 2021 successor?
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Very informative. Much appreciated!!!
the main flaw, is she didn't get to enjoy her reign like for 6 months as Ms USA, and she's off to a new pageant, the good side is she get to compete immediately, so its like two birds in one stone prep….
There were many prettier girls than the winner IMO.
Elle Smith is a Whitney Houston look-alike and she has that Whitney Houston vibe and star quality. She is beautiful. Great choice for Miss U.S.A. 👍👍⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐❤
Well explained. 👍 Thanks. 👍💯
Miss Puerto Rico will win her sixth crown!!!
Hi Dani, I enjoyed your video. Just wondering if you have any idea about Elle's national costume at Miss Universe 2021? I know there was a state costume contest at Miss USA 2021 and Miss Tennessee won the best state costume. Will Elle be wearing Tennessee's state costume at Miss Universe or will it be her own Kentucky state costume or any of the other 49 state costumes?
This new org. is great….
but I though USA is open for lgbt…im sad that they didnt even entered Nevada in semi….but still a great pageant…
Is she mixed race? she looks like Stephen Curry"s face and she resembles her daughter
It still irks me that Miss Kentucky cut off Miss Texas during the round table talks. I really liked Miss Texas. She had the perfect look!!
I wished Miss Universe 2021 should be pushed back to January or February 2022 so that Andrea Meza would've at least 8 or 9 months into her reign and Miss Universe 2022 would be in the later part of December 2022. But it's already too late for that now so yeah.
I remember in the 90's Miss Universe was usually held in May and Miss USA was around March or April is overlapping, MU already started and the new Miss USA was crowned very recently.
I wish you would explain / discuss in a video why for the first time in like 50+ years Miss USA was not televised on a major network like ABC, CBS or NBC ??? To watcch it live I would have to pay $64 to join HULU or pay FYI to join also. This is a very bad sign/ trend for the pageant…
Miss USA got MICHAEL CINCO!!! Wow!!! Big improvement in my opinion! Wowwwww! Yea our miss usa will do great for sure
Dani, you are made for this 🤍 such a great job! Very detailed, and im craving for more updates! 😍😍😍
Your bed is messy 😂
Dani walker look alike of Megan Markle
I agree it is crazy to have the Miss USA contest so late. And a bit embarrassing that the new Miss USA arrives to MU on day SIX of competition and then still has to quarantine 3 more days. It can even be seen as disrespectful. She shouldve just participated next year instead
Thank you for giving information that we are all wondering about. I think this is a great way to do it, our Miss USA is ready,. Looking forward to watching Miss Universe. Love your channel.
Miss Kentucky deserved to win! She didn’t just win because she was most Universe ready….
Meskipun sangat terlambat miss USA di jamin place
Great that contestants are not being held hostage by Sherri Hill any longer. She has done a lot for the system but the last two years were just embarrassing for the contestants and her. Michael Cinco isn't going to go out of his way to force 51 delegates to wear his gowns…
I am no pageant expert, but I think Elle has so much potential to go far at Miss Universe. She is just so captivating! Should be exciting to follow!
I feel like I just fell into a whole new community. You’re like speaking a different language but I’m into it and following
It wasn't about putting things back on track, it was all about money for the MUO, that's why they divest Miss USA/Teen and rush another pageant in Israel.
By the time USA arrives in Israel, the announcement of the Top 5 would've been announced already. #kidding #lol
What about a costume for Miss USA?
The same was said for Miss Sa, In the BTS interviews Pia mentioned that they were looking for a girl who's ready to compete at MU
The new Miss USA Elle Smith will not even make the top 10 in Israel.
A lot of people are sleeping on our Miss USA lol they better get ready lol
She is gonna be up there!! I have a feeling she’s gonna take the crown 👑
I have watch mgi 2021 prelim lately.It makes me almost forget any other pageant. Just watch it with no bias U will believe me. Unbelivable productions with great fun. Sorry to say I almost forget MU .
HELLO when is MU fav episode coming??
I wonder if Miss USA tested positive, will she be replaced by the first runner-up? Are there new rules in the MUO?