Why This Woman Killed 7 People In Horrifying Spree | San Marco: Killing Spree | Absolute Crime

Why This Woman Killed 7 People In Horrifying Spree | San Marco: Killing Spree | Absolute Crime

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On January 30, 2006, ex-police officer Jennifer San Marco shot and killed her one-time neighbor, Beverly Graham, and then subsequently drove to the mail processing plant at which she previously worked in Goleta, California, killing another 6. But why?

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  1. I was working that day on overtime since it was normally my day off. I knew Jennifer San Marco quite well, she would sit with me sometimes at lunch wanting to know how to buy stocks which I knew a lot about. I also knew everyone she killed, they were my co-workers who I had worked with everyday for years. When she started she was a great worker and very friendly, but after about a year that changed and she became a complete different person. Many believed that she had stopped taking her medication but no one really knows. I first noticed it when I said "Hi Jennifer" and she didn't respond but gave me an angry look. I thought maybe I had offended her in some way, I just didn't understand it because she had spoken friendly to me almost everyday for more than a year before that.

    Anyway, the night it happened, I heard the gunshots while I was scanning Priority Mail and then everyone started to run to the dock where the trucks were, for safety.

    Dexter Shannon was one week away from retirement. Charlotte Colton was actually not a supervisor like the video says, but an employee trainer. She actually was not working that night, she had just popped in for a few minutes to leave off some paperwork, even though she could have done it the next morning. Also not mentioned in the video, a deaf employee that she really liked when she worked there, was at the time clock ready to leave when she spotted him. He later told me she smiled at him and then went on her way, he was spared!

    Also not mentioned in the video, right after she shot Charlotte Colton, she aimed her gun at the head of a lady employee who would have been killed for sure, except for the fact that her gun jammed, giving time for that employee to escape.

    I had worked at that office since 1989 and loved working there, but after that happened in 2006 it just wasn't the same. I happily took early retirement in January 2013, after 23 years.

    Of course, it is a day I will never forget.

  2. Very interesting connection between Jennifer and Son of Sam. If you do some research on Berkowitz, there is strong evidence that he was a victim of mind control. It wouldn't be a surprise if Jennifer was one as well…

  3. One thing ALL these cases have in common is,…. EVERYONE says they were ticking Time Bombs. Nothing can be done until bullets fly and 911 gets called

  4. And the cause and answer were never really examined in this tape, unless you want to believe all that son of sam bullshit and that she was a believer in conspiracies. Perhaps we should read Bucowskis work "POST OFFICE"? maybe that will shed a little more light on the subject? "Going Postal" became a trend in the 80's

  5. I was shocked to learn in college in the 1970s that my psychology professors would explain that institutionalizing mental health was being replaced by medication. That people with mental illness were being released into the population on the thought that they would be taking their medication. In reality, many do not take their medication, and they do not return for psychiatric evaluations. Some turn to alcohol or illegal drugs. Some become homeless. Some become serial killers. This will not go away unless the rules are changed, where psychopaths and sociopaths are monitored.

  6. I've worked with a few people who I thought were a bit unhinged, one guy especially who I thought was capable of possibly shooting up the place. Thankfully I don't work there anymore.

  7. How tragically sad. She was mentally ill and should have been committed and kept there. Our unwillingness to deal with mental illness has caused a whole lot of problems, death and suffering. Add to that the similar problem of addiction is destroying our city cores and again is resulting in untold suffering and death. It is tragic w specially considering there was no shortage of warning symptoms.

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