Why You’re Not Winning Your Pageant

Why You’re Not Winning Your Pageant

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These are the most common reasons why you’re not winning and most importantly, what you should do about it…(read more at source)

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See also  Beauty Pageant winners stand for something very strong ♥️✨ Miss Diva 2018 #motivation #shorts #viral

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. Your videos are just what I have been looking for. My daughter, much like you, just started doing pageants at the age of 15. We are having a blast, and she has done very well. She has competed in nine pageants, having won two of them, and finishing in 1st or 2nd place in six, and 3rd in the last one. Our problem is she doesn't want to practice. The three judges from her last pageant said she was the total package, but at times she lacked confidence. I'm hoping that she will watch your videos and implement what you are teaching. Thank you!!!

  2. Thank you for the tips Crystal. You are absolutely amazing!!! Often I wonder, what does one mean by "the look"? I sometimes feel like I cannot win pageants because I am 5"2, even though the organizations say that all heights are welcome. I have won pageants before, because I believe it is about standing out not standing tall 🙂 That being said how often do you see a Miss World who is under 5"4

  3. Hey Crystal your name is too lovely my fav name ❤️❤️
    I’m Danni I’m just 12years watching your amazing videos and getting so many information abt models
    That’s my dream to become a model 😍😍❤️❤️

  4. Hi mam ….you are doing an amazing work!! Thanks a lot from the bottom of ours heart.
    Plz could u make a video on how to make an everyday schedule for yourself ….how much weightage should be for what?

  5. I'm not gonna win because my hair is more sexy than elegant, sorry Crystal but I'm not gonna change that, anyway I love to watch your video's and I love to listen your voice 💋💋💋

  6. Should we must have a perfect teeth too?
    I have seen somewhere that perfect teeth also matters in pageant.
    What do you think about this mam?

  7. I don't wanna wear something more revealing. Is there any round in miss world that makes the participant too revealing? If yes what it is?
    Thank you in advance

  8. Well I don't think after being fully prepared and organised there are 100% chances of your winning ! It's always great to come prepared and passionate and give your 100% you can go ahead but winning is still not guaranted! So never go in a pageant with the vision of winning it there are always chances but no one really knows !

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