Would Nick & Vanessa Lachey Let Their Daughter Do Miss Teen USA? | E! Red Carpet & Award Shows

Would Nick & Vanessa Lachey Let Their Daughter Do Miss Teen USA? | E! Red Carpet & Award Shows

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Would Nick & Vanessa Lachey Let Their Daughter Do Miss Teen USA? | E! Red Carpet & Award Shows

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  1. Omg in all the interviews she doesn’t let Nick talk!!!! He seems scared when she talks not knowing what’s going to come out of her mouth 🤦🏻‍♀️

  2. She talks waaaay to much. Can she please let her husband finish a sentence?!?! Vanessa's camera thirsty that one. Sheesh.

  3. That woman can talk and talk and talk and talk…… She just can't stop talking! Zip it and let your man talk!!

  4. She talks a lot. But, I never seen Nick treat her like how he use to treat Jessica. Nick look at Jessica as this blonde bimbo.

  5. Now that she has her own children I hope she can find forgiveness in her heart and forgive her mother and learn not to over talk

  6. SO MANY BRAINLESS WOMEN COMMENTING in here who are so JEALOUS of their Happiness . Am sure these Negative Commenters has a Very SAD and LONELY LIFE and they are intimidated by a STRONG Woman like VANESSA.

  7. What are you people talking about? Nick talked plenty, and Vanessa hardly interrupted him. Stop looking for problems where there are none. Nick and Vanessa are a loving couple with a beautiful family. 🤨🤨🤨.

  8. I had to stop watching she talks way too much, slow it down girl and let your husband get a word in

  9. I love how most of us are in the same boat…just watching this now and wishing Nick and Jessica were still a thing 🙄🤣

  10. She’s a great speaker but when their is an interview with the two of them I would like to hear what each of them have to say. Vanessa no disrespect but please allow Nick to speak once in a while. Perhaps she doesn’t realize that that is what she is doing.

  11. Please someone tell jessica
    A girl says jessica simpson only have
    Many how she was to nick lachey👺👺👺👺👺👺

  12. I have a feeling they only stayed married this long because nick is not able to finish his sentence when he’s trying to break it off

  13. Why do we have to put down a woman to bring up another one ? Nick and Jessica we’re married so long ago they are both happily married to other people now.

  14. She NEVER lets him talk in interviews. When he does try to speak she interrupts him everytime. You can tell she controlling big time and insecure with herself and marriage.

  15. Vanessa must be stuck at home a lot…she can’t stop talking when she is out. Nick is probably hitting his Lite Beer harder. Lol

  16. I think Nick wanted to chime in on the first question but he wasn’t given the opportunity ….. Vanessa’s a talker

  17. Love Vanessa's personality……great sense of humor! She's always laughing! Her mixture of Filipino and Italian is just beautiful!

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